Strange and wonderous people abound. Start typing below to find your quarry:
Kulfin is Pleasant and Forceful. He is a Epic adventurer. (He/Him)
Darargsson is Loyal and Doubtful. He is a Common adventurer. (He/Him)
The Orlanthi Satarite warrior stands tall, with weathered features etched by the elements. Clad in traditional attire adorned with tribal symbol…
Salistaval Man is Embarrassed and Modern. He is a Heroic adventurer. (He/Him)
Senranathsdottir is Insincere and Modest. She is a Heroic adventurer. (She/Her)
Yerenalasdottir is Dramatic and Reclusive. She is a Heroic adventurer. (She/Her)
Arrella Ice-Hear is Negative and Passive-Aggressive. She is a Heroic adventurer. (She/Her)
Anstansson es uno de los mejores exploradores de Sartar. El único problema es su profunda pasión por el dinero y su capacidad para encontrar l…
Elfo proscrito
Kaelon Son of Khael was a young farmer, his hands calloused from tilling the rich soil of his family’s farmstead in the heart of Haraborn territ…
Bisonte –Nuvola– Str 42, dex 13, con 17, size 39, Pow 14 oggettino contenitore pm Matrice con spirito di bisonte Pow 16 int 6 cha …
Abonded by his magical family for having zero magical ability and zero spirit magic. Toji trained evryday his physical prowess till his body was…
Aslög, una joven de cabello oscuro que ondea como las sombras del bosque en una noche de luna llena, es una devota ferviente de la diosa Irina….
Ilia, hermano gemelo de Aslög, es un cazador astuto y ágil oriundo de Sendero del pomar. Al contrario de su hermana, más salvaje e imprevisib…
Iniciado del culto a Vitelio, camino de la verdad.
Iniciado del culto a Vitelio, camino de la espada.
Kulf Goldensararm is Spoiled and Fresh. He is a Common adventurer. (He/Him)
Dante nació en una humilde granja en las afueras de Sendero del Pomar. Desde temprana edad, compartió una amistad profunda con su vecino y mej…
Family History Your grandparent’s history Your grandparent was a(n) crafter from Sartar. Year 1561 Your grandparents were born this year. …
Ivarnala thers is Philanthropic and Stimulating. She is a Epic adventurer. (She/Her)
Your grandparent’s history Your grandparent was a(n) herder from Prax. Year 1561 Your grandparents were born this year. Year 1582 King …
The story of Rastalstan, son of Rastkalar of Clan Haraborn: After being gone for a long time, Rastalstan, or Rast as his friends call him, was…
Akeron, figlio di Ameron, capotribù. Trucidato dalle truppe lunar durante la prima occupazione del villaggio, per spezzarne la resistenza. E A…
Tempus Fugit
Enturisa thers is Vain and Sanctimonious. She is a Common adventurer. (She/Her)
Orandasdottir is Afraid and Anti-Social. She is a Heroic adventurer. (She/Her)
Raker is Enthusiastic and Paces. He is a Heroic adventurer. (He/Him)
Rakelast is Rude and Liar. He is a Heroic adventurer. (He/Him)
Jenessa is Sour and Entertaining. She is a Heroic adventurer. (She/Her)
Jenestansdotter is Brutish and Nihilistic. She is a Heroic adventurer. (She/Her)
Berranda Many Sorrow-Spear is Unpredictable and Useful. She is a Heroic adventurer. (She/Her)
Frankov Fernov, pícaro intrépido de la renombrada familia Fernov, se enreda en las artimañas de Bjorn, el Embustero Cura. Su figura refleja l…
Deratetris Carmesin, mãe de Deradril.
Family History Your grandparent’s history Your grandparent was a(n) bandit from Sartar. Year 1561 Your grandparents were born this year. …
Jartasar is Composed and Miserable. He is a Heroic adventurer. (He/Him)
Su figura está moldeada por la gracia de las tradiciones y la ferocidad de la caza. Con ojos que reflejan la sabiduría transmitida por generac…
Young Humakti, eldest son of clan chieftain
Esposa de Fer. Devota seguidora de Belanaer, tejedora. Amada por su afabilidad y su lideraje. Conocida por su poesia
Daranth is Cold and Crafty. They is a Common adventurer. (They/Them)
Venakt Rastar Shadow-Son is Loudmouth and Evasive. He is a Epic adventurer. (He/Him)
Koral the Drunk is Naive and Creepy. He is a Heroic adventurer. (He/Him)
Leikadrella the Shrill-Tounger is Vindictive and Dignified. She is a Common adventurer. (She/Her)
Forjador de espadas del Templo de Vitelio en Dushyka
Valeriya aprendió las artes de la seducción y el espionaje en la corte gospodar desde pequeña. Con la muerte del atamán de su zona su vida c…
Amigo y hermano de armas del fundador del clan, semielfo. Cuando dejaron atrás sus tiempos de correr aventuras, Ziekpie decidio quedarse en la …
Erneldaa Etasdottir is Particular and Popular. She is a Heroic adventurer. (She/Her)
Harasar is Obnoxious and Erratic. He is a Heroic adventurer. (He/Him)
Andrinked-Well is Honor Bound and Giggly. He is a Heroic adventurer. (He/Him)
Aryr Harsh-Born is Arrogant and Dramatic. They is a Heroic adventurer. (They/Them)
Bermakt Garantar is Late and Unsympathetic. He is a Heroic adventurer. (He/Him)
Ivarnyr is Lethargic and Shifty. She is a Common adventurer. (She/Her)
Idade: 26 -Terra: Tentar ser Prudente, Pragmático, Mundano e Sensual. -Lua: Não temer e não ser ignorante. -Fogo/Céu: Tentar ser Puro, …
Lidia es una mujer de carácter tenaz y luchadora. Perdió su marido hace años y desde entonces administra los terrenos de su casa con encomiab…