Strange and wonderous people abound. Start typing below to find your quarry:
Jeneva Manyr the Farsdottir is Dauntless and Prudent. She is a Common adventurer. (She/Her)
Keninna Heortarsulva Vadarasdottir is Exclusive and Smooth. She is a Epic adventurer. (She/Her)
Spirit Monkey is a Baboon and the last survivor of his tribe. He follows the shamanistic ways. He peddles his skills in the back streets of Noch…
Tanaka is a much traveled man, originally from Prax. He grew up in Lunar Tarsh and served for several years in the Lunar army. He now lives in N…
Kestar is a Zzaburi in training from Nochet, He keeps his Malkoni religion quiet, and his sorcerous research even quieter.
Female healer from Nochet
Driven, practical, and ruthless. Dedicated to the Lunar Empire. He will spare no sacrifice to bring glory to his home and goddess.
Chariot driver, A gruff veteran who has seen it all, Dedicated to his leader Yarankosta.
Fanatical Lunar priest
Lunar Heavy Infantry
Lunar light infrantry
Esrolian heavy infantry, allied to the Lunar Empire.
Esrolian Light Infantry, allied to the Lunar Empire.
Your grandparent’s history Your grandparent was a(n) warrior from Prax. Year 1561 Your grandparents were born this year. Year 1582 King…
A duck who is like no other duck
Esrolian veteran turned thief.
Babeester Gor priestess. Tendancy to be mistrustful of men. Highly violent.
Ivarestra ther is Comfortable and Gruesome. She is a Heroic adventurer. (She/Her)
Kant is Proper and Fanatical. He is a Heroic adventurer. (He/Him)
Harios Sheper is Able and Moody. She is a Common adventurer. (She/Her)
Jarenava Moon-Dancer is Close and Unbiased. She is a Common adventurer. (She/Her)
Sacerdote de Humakt
Esrola True-Eyes is Hysterical and Decent. She is a Heroic adventurer. (She/Her)
Ering is Hard Working and Distraught. He is a Common adventurer. (He/Him)
A large black panther of regal look, with long razorsharp claws and a mighty jaw
Garan is Meticulous and Devoted. They is a Epic adventurer. (They/Them)
Surly, angry and deadly, duck assasin
Yoroste Goldenhoof is Lacking and Eminent. He is a Heroic adventurer. (He/Him)
Desan is Selfish and Vulgar. He is a Heroic adventurer. (He/Him)
Arrenarios Lonasdottir is Gaudy and Rash. She is a Heroic adventurer. (She/Her)
Ardessa thers is Supportive and Puzzled. She is a Heroic adventurer. (She/Her)
Rakelstaval Hammer is Repugnant and Bubbly. He is a Heroic adventurer. (He/Him)
Harurisa the Amouroubt is Nibbler and Queer. She is a Heroic adventurer. (She/Her)
Jenyr is Shallow and Fanciful. She is a Heroic adventurer. (She/Her)
Hararanulf Shields-Tounger is Annoying and Condescending. He is a Heroic adventurer. (He/Him)
Arakar is Sultry and Flexible. He is a Heroic adventurer. (He/Him)
Daransdottir is Ashamed and Gregarious. She is a Heroic adventurer. (She/Her)
Ernalasrala is Haughty and Busy. She is a Heroic adventurer. (She/Her)
Kanar Many-Arrolsson is Unassuming and Hesitant. He is a Heroic adventurer. (He/Him)
Kena Gray-Trestra Tarsdottir is Resentful and Resolute. She is a Heroic adventurer. (She/Her)
Haresra is Receptive and Alluring. She is a Heroic adventurer. (She/Her)
Koronil Fran the Upright is Salient and Dignified. He is a Heroic adventurer. (He/Him)
Oransdottir is Undependable and Modest. She is a Heroic adventurer. (She/Her)
Enast the Farsarangian Anastian Laugh is Huffy and Unenthusiastic. He is a Heroic adventurer. (He/Him)
Warrior Trollkin are assumed to have above average fighting stats.