Avila Bronzehoof

Truth Fire/Sky Harmony

Heavy Cavalry of Centaur, Initiate of Yelmalio

Bronzehoof Clan | Centaurs Tribe Thumbnail

Created at 2023/04/03 by BlackPrince 1330


The centaurs generally shun the company of men, considering them to be unnatural. However, Chiron, chief of the Bronzehoof Clan, has realized that not only are men here to stay, but they are growing in power and dominance in this age of Glorantha. If the centaurs are to combat the true foe, Chaos, they will need the aid of humanity. To this end, Chiron sent his daughter, Evelyn, on a mission to the human lands to garner support. Evelyn made her way to Sartar and joined a cult of Yelmalio, where she began to prove her worth. She fought in the Esrolian Civil War and survived the Siege of Nochet. She fought with great glory at the Battle of Pennel Ford and accompanied Agrath to the summoning of Jaldon Goldentooth, where she recognized Agrath as the White Bull and returned to her tribe. She bore witness to the Dragonrise and managed to survive. She participated in the Liberation of Sartar and witnessed Kallyr Starbrow’s acclamation as Prince of Sartar.

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Strength 17 85%
Constitution 15 75%
Size 22 110%
Dexterity 12 60%
Intelligence 13 65%
Power 11 55%
Charisma 16 80%
Rune Points (Yelmalio) 3
Damage Bonus +1D6
DEX Strike Rank 3
Hit Points 18
Healing Rate 3
Magic Points 11
Spirit Damage 1D6+1
SIZ Strike Rank 0
Air Air 50%
Earth Earth 30%
Fire/Sky Fire/Sky 80%
Beast Beast 70%
Fertility Fertility 75%
Harmony Harmony 75%
Truth Truth 90%
Rune Spells
Catseye Fire/Sky Beast 1
Command (Hawk) 2
Command Cult Spirit Magic 2
Dismiss Magic Magic 1
Divination Magic 1
Extension Magic 1
Find Enemy Magic 1
Heal Wound Magic 1
MultiSpell Magic 1
Sanctify Magic 2
Soul Sight Magic 1
Spirit Block Magic 1
Summon Cult Spirit Magic 1
Sunbright Fire/Sky 2
Warding Magic 1
Ground 12
Passions & Reputation
Devotion (Yelmalio) 70%
Fear (Dragons) 60%
Hate (Telmori) 60%
Honor 60%
Love (Kin) 80%
Loyalty (Ironhoof) 60%
Loyalty (Sartar) 60%
Loyalty (White Bull) 60%
Reputation 24%
Spirit Magic
Coordination 2
Farsee 2
Light 1
Standard of Living Free
Income 60 L
Ransom 500 L

Skills [Gameplay] [Main]

Agility (-5%)
Jump (36) 41%
Communication (+5%)
Sing (25) 65%
Speak (Heortling) (0) 35%
Speak (Flamespeech) (0) 40%
Manipulation (+10%)
Play Instrument (40) 60%
Sleight (10) 15%

Knowledge (+5%)
Animal Lore (15) 30%
Battle (10) 75%
Celestial Lore (5) 45%
Cult Lore (Yelmalio) (0) 25%
First Aid (25) 45%
Plant Lore (15) 30%
Survival (15) 40%

Magic (+0%)
Meditate (0) 5%
Spirit Combat (40) 60%
Worship (Yelmalio) (0) 50%
Perception (+5%)
Listen (25) 40%
Scan (25) 51%
Search (25) 35%
Ranged (+10%)
Composite Bow (30) 100%

Melee (+10%)
1H Spear (5) 100%
Broadsword (25) 80%
Hoof (0) 70%
Lance (25) 100%
Shield (+10%)
Medium Shield (25) 100%
Small Shield (15) 35%
Stealth (-10%)
Hide (10) 5%

Agility (-5%)
Dodge (24) 19%
Jump (36) 41%
Swim (25) 20%
Communication (+5%)
Act (5) 10%
Art (5) 10%
Bargain (5) 10%
Charm (15) 20%
Dance (10) 15%
Disguise (5) 10%
Fast Talk (5) 10%
Intimidate (15) 20%
Intrigue (5) 10%
Orate (10) 15%
Sing (25) 65%
Speak (Heortling) (0) 35%
Speak (Beastspeech) (50) 55%
Speak (Flamespeech) (0) 40%
Manipulation (+10%)
Conceal (5) 15%
Craft (Arms) (10) 20%
Devise (5) 15%
Play Instrument (40) 60%
Sleight (10) 15%

Knowledge (+5%)
Animal Lore (15) 30%
Battle (10) 75%
Celestial Lore (5) 45%
Cult Lore (Yelmalio) (0) 25%
Customs (Beast Men) (25) 30%
Elder Race Lore (Elves) (5) 10%
Evaluate (10) 15%
Farm (10) 15%
First Aid (25) 45%
Game (15) 20%
Herd (5) 10%
Homeland Lore (Local) (30) 35%
Lore (Centaur) (25) 30%
Manage Household (10) 15%
Mineral Lore (5) 10%
Peaceful Cut (10) 15%
Plant Lore (15) 30%
Survival (15) 40%
Treat Disease (5) 10%
Treat Poison (5) 10%

Magic (+0%)
Meditate (0) 5%
Prepare Corpse (10) 10%
Spirit Combat (40) 60%
Worship (Yelmalio) (0) 50%
Perception (+5%)
Insight (Species) (20) 25%
Listen (25) 40%
Scan (25) 51%
Search (25) 35%
Track (5) 10%
Ranged (+10%)
Arbalest (10) 20%
Axe, Throwing (10) 20%
Composite Bow (30) 100%
Crossbows (25) 35%
Dagger, Throwing (5) 15%
Elf Bow (5) 15%
Javelin (10) 20%
Pole Lasso (5) 15%
Rock (15) 25%
Self Bow (5) 15%
Sling (5) 15%
Staff Sling (10) 20%
Throwing Dagger (10) 20%
Thrown Axe (10) 20%

Melee (+10%)
1H Axe (10) 20%
1H Hammer (10) 20%
1H Mace (15) 25%
1H Spear (5) 100%
2H Axe (5) 15%
2H Hammer (5) 15%
2H Mace (10) 20%
2H Spear (15) 25%
Battle Axe (10) 20%
Broadsword (25) 80%
Dagger (15) 25%
Fist (25) 35%
Grapple (25) 35%
Greatsword (5) 15%
Hoof (0) 70%
Kick (15) 25%
Kopis (10) 20%
Lance (25) 100%
Pike (15) 25%
Quarterstaff (15) 25%
Rapier (5) 15%
Shortsword (10) 20%
Whip (5) 15%
Shield (+10%)
Large Shield (15) 25%
Medium Shield (25) 100%
Small Shield (15) 35%
Stealth (-10%)
Hide (10) 5%
Gameplay [Skills] [Main]
Melee Attacks
Attack Skill Damage SR HP
1H Short Spear 100% 1D6+1+1D6 5
Broadsword 80% 1D8+1+1D6 5
Lance 100% 1D10+1+1D6 3
Medium Shield 100% 1D4+1D6 6
Ranged Attacks
Attack Skill Damage SR Range Special
Composite Bow 100% 1D8+1 3 100m

Hit Locations
Hit Location Armor HP Max
19-20 Head 5 6 /6
17-18 L Arm 6 5 /5
15-16 R Arm 6 5 /5
13-14 Chest 5 7 /7
11-12 L Foreleg 7 5 /5
9-10 R Foreleg 7 5 /5
7-8 Forequarters 6 7 /7
5-6 Hindquarters 6 7 /7
3-4 L Hind Leg 7 5 /5
1-2 R Hind Leg 7 5 /5
Head: 8
L Arm: 7
R Arm: 7
Chest: 9
L Foreleg: 7
R Foreleg: 7
Forequarters: 9
Hindquarters: 9
L Hind Leg: 7
R Hind Leg: 7
46 L in coin
Heavy scale hauberk (5pts)
Studded leather skirt (3pts)
Plate greaves & vambraces (6pts)
Closed helmet (5pts)
Lance, broadsword, composite bow
Medium shield
2 scars on left arm
Sleeping roll
Good clothing
War booty worth 4 L
Checks: Scan, Bow, Play, Battle, Earth, Air, Dev
Foreign broo-killer lance with strap (can't be knocked out)
Pleasant Grass Spear (+1 damage when sun is out)
Illumination: 01
Checks: Movement, Illumination