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The Cradle of Heroes

Truth Beast Fire/Sky
Dark Trolls | Hunter | Yelmalio
Created at 2024/02/19
Fedman Kassad

Rast is Dissolute and Impotent. He is a Common adventurer. (He/Him)

Rast Beard
Man Truth Fire/Sky
Dark Troll Adventurer | Troll Warrior | Yelmalio
Created at 2024/02/19
Fedman Kassad

Rast Beard is Insincere and Limited. He is a Common adventurer. (He/Him)

Sarodeste Weardovar Fararmakt Blindurev
Beast Truth Fire/Sky
Esrolia | Healer | Yelmalio
Created at 2024/02/19
Fedman Kassad

Sarodeste Weardovar Fararmakt Blindurev is Thankful and Immobile. He is a Common adventurer. (He/Him)

Death Truth Fire/Sky
Longhome | Troll Nurse | Yelmalio
Created at 2024/02/19
Fedman Kassad

Harvale is Contrarian and Malice. She is a Common adventurer. (She/Her)

Truth Beast Air
Esrolia | Elf Noble | Telmor
Created at 2024/02/19
Fedman Kassad

Natalsdotted-Twice is Enchanting and Moralistic. She is a Common adventurer. (She/Her)

Death Truth Fire/Sky
Lunar Empire | Bandit | Seven Mothers
Created at 2024/02/18
Craig Truesdell

Ivarnessa is Inept and Pacifistic. They is a Common adventurer. (They/Them)

Oranda the Bounge
Illusion Movement Fire/Sky
Lunar Empire | Lead Dwarf | Eurmal
Created at 2024/02/18
Craig Truesdell

Oranda the Bounge is Hostile and Talented. She is a Common adventurer. (She/Her)

Yanurisa Crow
Man Harmony Water
Dark Troll Adventurer | Troll Shaman | Dormal the Sailor
Created at 2024/02/18
Craig Truesdell

Yanurisa Crow is Interrupting and Bratty. She is a Common adventurer. (She/Her)

Man Movement Earth
Prax: Pol-Joni | Scribe | Pavis
Created at 2024/02/13
Matthew Dumbleton

Teralsson is Inept and Kittenish. He is a Heroic adventurer. (He/Him)

Hantip Hofian Salistandi
Truth Death Water
Lunar Tarsh | Merchant | Foundchild
Created at 2024/02/13
Matthew Dumbleton

Hantip Hofian Salistandi is Active and Unbiased. He is a Common adventurer. (He/Him)

Beast Earth
Sartar | Farmer | Aldrya, Goddess of the Woods
Created at 2024/02/13
Matthew Dumbleton

Ters-Home is Average and Jaded. He is a Common adventurer. (He/Him)

Hendatan Deeper
Death Man Fire/Sky
Prax: Bison Riders | Entertainer | Foundchild
Created at 2024/02/13
Matthew Dumbleton

Hendatan Deeper is Resilient and Cheerless. He is a Common adventurer. (He/Him)

Kenetha Crow-Drift
Fertility Truth Water
Lunar Empire | Troll Insect Herder | Ernalda
Created at 2024/02/06
Erik Kjeldgaard

Kenetha Crow-Drift is Biter and Organized. She is a Common adventurer. (She/Her)

Truth Beast Fire/Sky
Great Trolls (Uzdo) | Healer | Yelmalio
Created at 2024/02/06
Erik Kjeldgaard

Senale is Troubled and Pert. She is a Common adventurer. (She/Her)

Erinor Loud
Movement Man Fire/Sky
Esrolia | Light Cavalry | Daka Fal
Created at 2024/02/06
Erik Kjeldgaard

Erinor Loud is Static and Voracious. He is a Common adventurer. (He/Him)

Erinor Todath
Illusion Fertility Air
Great Trolls (Uzdo) | Priest | Eurmal
Created at 2024/02/06
Erik Kjeldgaard

Erinor Todath is Negligent and Sultry. He is a Common adventurer. (He/Him)

Harmony Movement Water
Esrolia | Lead Dwarf | Dormal the Sailor
Created at 2024/02/06
Erik Kjeldgaard

Toararm is Envious and Sloppy. They is a Common adventurer. (They/Them)

Harmony Movement Air
Dark Troll Adventurer | Hunter | Orlanth Adventurous
Created at 2024/02/03

Finsson is Thankless and Fierce. He is a Common adventurer. (He/Him)

Beast Illusion Moon
Green Elf | Light Cavalry | Eurmal
Created at 2024/02/03

Adinna is Flippant and Flighty. She is a Epic adventurer. (She/Her)

Vensar Beartar Talks-Fat
Beast Truth Air
Sartar | Hunter | Odayla
Created at 2024/02/03

Vensar Beartar Talks-Fat is Delicate and Truthful. He is a Common adventurer. (He/Him)

Moon Death Man
Lunar Tarsh | Crafter | Seven Mothers
Created at 2024/01/28
Jake Wilberg

Oranrsdottir is Unappreciative and Bratty. She is a Heroic adventurer. (She/Her)

Kalgian Broak
Air Movement Man
Sartar | Philosopher | Orlanth Thunderous
Created at 2024/01/24
Dan Hall

Kalgian Broak is Persuasive and Resolute. They is a Heroic adventurer. (They/Them)

Death Harmony Earth
Sartar | Heavy Infantry | Babeester Gor
Created at 2024/01/23
Dan Hall

Darharlsdottir is Indecisive and Dumb. They is a Heroic adventurer. (They/Them)

Death Illusion Earth
Sartar | Heavy Infantry | Babeester Gor
Created at 2024/01/23
Dan Hall

Senranth is Stern and Bratty. She is a Heroic adventurer. (She/Her)

Beast Death Earth
Sartar | Heavy Infantry | Babeester Gor
Created at 2024/01/23
Dan Hall

Entessa is Imperial and Weird. She is a Heroic adventurer. (She/Her)

Fertility Truth Earth
Sartar | Heavy Infantry | Chalana Arroy
Created at 2024/01/23
Dan Hall

Erine-Cheese is Tense and Rhetorical. They is a Heroic adventurer. (They/Them)

Seninna Key-Winessa River-Tounge
Air Death Movement
Sartar | Troll Warrior | Foundchild
Created at 2024/01/23
Dan Hall

Seninna Key-Winessa River-Tounge is Boorish and Evil. She is a Heroic adventurer. (She/Her)

Air Death Movement
Sartar | Lead Dwarf | Foundchild
Created at 2024/01/23
Dan Hall

Kallasdottir is Finicky and Troubled. She is a Heroic adventurer. (She/Her)

Yanrella Jarnarios Garulfsdottir
Beast Fertility Moon
Centaur | Light Cavalry | Eiritha
Created at 2024/01/22

Yanrella Jarnarios Garulfsdottir is Repulsive and Performer. She is a Heroic adventurer. (She/Her)

Yanlanda Jarnr Blind-Talker
Fertility Illusion Darkness
Prax: High Llama Rider | Herder | Eiritha
Created at 2024/01/21

Yanlanda Jarnr Blind-Talker is Discreet and Grandiose. She is a Common adventurer. (She/Her)

Anasar Brovestep
Fertility Man Water
Prax: High Llama Rider | Light Cavalry | Waha
Created at 2024/01/21

Anasar Brovestep is Inactive and Cowardly. He is a Common adventurer. (He/Him)

Avenos Golder
Darkness Beast Fertility
Dark Trolls | Heavy Cavalry | Telmor
Created at 2024/01/15
Dan Hall

Avenos Golder is Ashamed and Fuddy Duddy. He is a Heroic adventurer. (He/Him)

Disorder Death Fire/Sky
Longhome | Troll Hunter/Gatherer | Humakt
Created at 2024/01/15
Dan Hall

Jarnalanda is Systematic and Independent. She is a Heroic adventurer. (She/Her)

Harfin Korolar Many-Beary
Movement Death Darkness
Prax: High Llama Rider | Entertainer | Foundchild
Created at 2024/01/15
Dan Hall

Harfin Korolar Many-Beary is Receptive and Abrasive. He is a Common adventurer. (He/Him)

Movement Death Darkness
Great Trolls (Uzdo) | Entertainer | Seven Mothers
Created at 2024/01/15
Dan Hall

Harsdottir is High Self Esteem and Lovely. She is a Common adventurer. (She/Her)

Deranggian Good-Fat
Movement Death Air
Sartar | Priest | Orlanth
Created at 2024/01/04

Deranggian Good-Fat is Loves Challenge and Warm Hearted. He is a Common adventurer. (He/Him)

Vararm Dangakt the Red-Twice
Death Harmony Earth
Dark Troll Adventurer | Merchant | Babeester Gor
Created at 2024/01/04

Vararm Dangakt the Red-Twice is Self-Conscious and Pensive. He is a Common adventurer. (He/Him)

Yanrella Many Sorrow
Movement Death Air
Lunar Tarsh | Farmer | Orlanth Adventurous
Created at 2023/12/20

Yanrella Many Sorrow is Nagging and Patient. She is a Common adventurer. (She/Her)

Death Truth Fire/Sky
Lunar Tarsh | Light Infantry | Seven Mothers
Created at 2023/12/18

Salisarsson is Sexy and Punctilious. He is a Common adventurer. (He/Him)

Truth Death Earth
Lunar Tarsh | Light Infantry | Seven Mothers
Created at 2023/12/18

Brows is Likeable and Uninhibited. He is a Common adventurer. (He/Him)

Adessa the Fox
Illusion Death Water
Lunar Tarsh | Light Infantry | Seven Mothers
Created at 2023/12/18

Adessa the Fox is Narcissistic and Inventive. She is a Common adventurer. (She/Her)

Death Disorder Darkness
Lunar Tarsh | Light Infantry | Seven Mothers
Created at 2023/12/18

Ivarnandessa is Irritating and Spoiled. She is a Common adventurer. (She/Her)

Jenava Yanalorsdottir
Death Harmony Water
Lunar Tarsh | Light Infantry | Seven Mothers
Created at 2023/12/18

Jenava Yanalorsdottir is Ferocious and Encouraging. They is a Common adventurer. (They/Them)

Moon Death Disorder
Lunar Tarsh | Light Infantry | Seven Mothers
Created at 2023/12/18

Dese is Licentious and Dangerous. She is a Heroic adventurer. (She/Her)

Death Truth Moon
Lunar Tarsh | Light Infantry | Seven Mothers
Created at 2023/12/18

Harsson is Recalcitrant and Scruffy. He is a Common adventurer. (He/Him)

Death Disorder Moon
Lunar Tarsh | Light Infantry | Seven Mothers
Created at 2023/12/18

Lonyr is Vengeful and Overwhelmed. She is a Common adventurer. (She/Her)

Death Harmony Earth
Lunar Tarsh | Heavy Infantry | Seven Mothers
Created at 2023/12/18

Yanalsdottir is Stubborn and Visual. She is a Common adventurer. (She/Her)

Moon Death Beast
Lunar Tarsh | Heavy Infantry | Seven Mothers
Created at 2023/12/18

Hary is Always Hungry and Disorderly. She is a Heroic adventurer. (She/Her)

Yerest Many-Moth Garalasdottir
Beast Death Air
Lunar Tarsh | Heavy Infantry | Seven Mothers
Created at 2023/12/18

Yerest Many-Moth Garalasdottir is Enchanting and Reluctant. They is a Common adventurer. (They/Them)

Moon Movement Death
Lunar Tarsh | Heavy Infantry | Seven Mothers
Created at 2023/12/18

Bryar is Demanding and Depressed. He is a Epic adventurer. (He/Him)

Lieka Farst-Daughter
Moon Death Movement
Lunar Tarsh | Heavy Infantry | Seven Mothers
Created at 2023/12/18

Lieka Farst-Daughter is Night Owl and Encouraging. They is a Heroic adventurer. (They/Them)

Yanyr Three Haranda thers
Moon Death Harmony
Lunar Tarsh | Heavy Infantry | Seven Mothers
Created at 2023/12/18

Yanyr Three Haranda thers is Pessimistic and Brash. She is a Epic adventurer. (She/Her)

Death Illusion Air
Lunar Tarsh | Heavy Infantry | Seven Mothers
Created at 2023/12/18

Haralsson is Dynamic and Materialistic. He is a Common adventurer. (He/Him)

Broatar the archers-Home
Beast Death Fire/Sky
Lunar Tarsh | Heavy Infantry | Seven Mothers
Created at 2023/12/18

Broatar the archers-Home is Bored and Reclusive. He is a Common adventurer. (He/Him)

Arrellala Etasdottir
Death Harmony Darkness
Lunar Tarsh | Heavy Infantry | Seven Mothers
Created at 2023/12/18
Jacob Andersson

Arrellala Etasdottir is Knowledgeable and Expert. They is a Common adventurer. (They/Them)

Terstadros Hofstarstan Goods
Death Truth Darkness
Lunar Tarsh | Heavy Infantry | Seven Mothers
Created at 2023/12/18
Jacob Andersson

Terstadros Hofstarstan Goods is Filthy and Thankful. He is a Common adventurer. (He/Him)

Yanlanda Vadara Yaninna Yanurisa Etasdottir
Man Death Earth
Lunar Tarsh | Heavy Infantry | Seven Mothers
Created at 2023/12/18
Jacob Andersson

Yanlanda Vadara Yaninna Yanurisa Etasdottir is Unselfish and Cutthroat. She is a Common adventurer. (She/Her)

Hofarm Kulstan
Death Harmony Earth
Lunar Tarsh | Heavy Infantry | Seven Mothers
Created at 2023/12/18
Jacob Andersson

Hofarm Kulstan is Dogmatic and Agnostic. He is a Common adventurer. (He/Him)

Jarantan Manetin Bow
Fire/Sky Fertility Man
Grazelands | Hunter | Gustbran the Redsmith
Created at 2023/12/14
Willo vdMerwe

Jarantan Manetin Bow is Finicky and Cowardly. He is a Heroic adventurer. (He/Him)

Penoste Golden Tail Rider
Death Disorder Air
Grazelands | Philosopher | Storm Bull
Created at 2023/12/14

Penoste Golden Tail Rider is Touchy and Disorderly. He is a Common adventurer. (He/Him)

Fertility Water
Sartar | Elf Noble | High King Elf
Created at 2023/12/14

Sendrella is Timid and Rigid. She is a Common adventurer. (She/Her)

Truth Movement Air
Prax: High Llama Rider | Thief | Vinga
Created at 2023/12/14

Harerlandessa is Refined and Envious. She is a Heroic adventurer. (She/Her)

Earth Man Disorder
Esrolia | Philosopher | Maran Gor
Created at 2023/12/14

Venalor is Protective and Savage. They is a Heroic adventurer. (They/Them)

Garulf Saliastan Longcoatarsar Kalanalor
Death Truth Earth
Lunar Empire | Farmer | Babeester Gor
Created at 2023/12/14

Garulf Saliastan Longcoatarsar Kalanalor is Arrogant and Dissatisfied. He is a Heroic adventurer. (He/Him)

Veraringer Farshot
Harmony Truth Darkness
Balazaring | Troll Overseer | Argan Argar
Created at 2023/12/14

Veraringer Farshot is Dissolute and Sharp-Tongued. He is a Heroic adventurer. (He/Him)

Disorder Movement Water
Prax: High Llama Rider | Elf Crafter | Engizi
Created at 2023/12/14

Ters-Home is Independent and Reserved. He is a Common adventurer. (He/Him)