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The Cradle of Heroes

Demela Yanda Many-Sons
Death Harmony Air
Longhome | Priest | Cacodemon
Created at 2022/04/05
Friki Vetusto

Demela Yanda Many-Sons is Vulgar and Cuddly. She is a Common adventurer. (She/Her)

Ivarnelir Jarnir Blue-Face
Movement Death Air
Prax: Bison Riders | Merchant | Orlanth Thunderous
Created at 2022/04/05
Friki Vetusto

Ivarnelir Jarnir Blue-Face is Pleasing and Shrewd. She is a Common adventurer. (She/Her)

Illusion Movement Water
Longhome | Light Cavalry | Issaries
Created at 2022/04/05
Friki Vetusto

Erill-Tounger is Flippant and Wise. She is a Common adventurer. (She/Her)

Asulva Trous
Disorder Fertility Earth
Sartar | Hunter | Maran Gor
Created at 2022/04/05
Friki Vetusto

Asulva Trous is Trusting and Daring. She is a Common adventurer. (She/Her)

Koronil Many-Cow
Illusion Movement Air
Yellow Elf | Bandit | Orlanth
Created at 2022/04/05
Friki Vetusto

Koronil Many-Cow is Studious and Religious. He is a Common adventurer. (He/Him)

Kendessa Golden-Hear
Harmony Fertility Water
Prax: Pol-Joni | Bandit | Dormal the Sailor
Created at 2022/04/05
Friki Vetusto

Kendessa Golden-Hear is Poor and Lingering. She is a Common adventurer. (She/Her)

Jaranpolti Goldeye
Disorder Death Earth
Grazelands | Troll Overseer | Babeester Gor
Created at 2022/04/05
Friki Vetusto

Jaranpolti Goldeye is Lordly and Dependable. He is a Common adventurer. (He/Him)

Tarast the Knows Twist-Burner
Truth Disorder Fire/Sky
Esrolia | Light Cavalry | Lhankor Mhy
Created at 2022/04/05
Friki Vetusto

Tarast the Knows Twist-Burner is Pleasing and Perseveres. He is a Common adventurer. (He/Him)

Kenvale Red
Beast Fertility Air
Sartar | Chariot Driver | Odayla
Created at 2022/04/05
Friki Vetusto

Kenvale Red is Doubtful and Nice. She is a Common adventurer. (She/Her)

Rast Hofalor Rast ther
Man Fertility Fire/Sky
Prax: Impala Rider | Chariot Driver | Seseine
Created at 2022/04/05
Friki Vetusto

Rast Hofalor Rast ther is Mature and Trusting. He is a Common adventurer. (He/Him)

Truth Harmony Earth
Sartar | Herder | Lhankor Mhy
Created at 2022/04/05
Friki Vetusto

Sensyn is Closed and Light-Hearted. She is a Common adventurer. (She/Her)

Kalanal Runs-Aways
Fertility Beast Darkness
Lunar Tarsh | Light Infantry | Yelm
Created at 2022/04/05
Friki Vetusto

Kalanal Runs-Aways is Artistic and Inventive. He is a Common adventurer. (He/Him)

Death Truth Air
Longhome | Troll Warrior | Seven Mothers
Created at 2022/04/05
Friki Vetusto

Minarsson is Spoiled and Healthy. He is a Common adventurer. (He/Him)

Yanessa Lowfire
Harmony Beast Darkness
Esrolia | Lead Dwarf | Flintnail
Created at 2022/04/05
Friki Vetusto

Yanessa Lowfire is Tolerant and Decent. She is a Common adventurer. (She/Her)

Toaltand -Laughty
Movement Fertility Air
Longhome | Priest | Orlanth Adventurous
Created at 2022/04/05
Friki Vetusto

Toaltand -Laughty is Giving and Thoughtless. He is a Common adventurer. (He/Him)

Harerlanda Saliaktsdottir
Movement Disorder Air
Prax: Bison Riders | Assistant Shaman | Orlanth
Created at 2022/04/05
Friki Vetusto

Harerlanda Saliaktsdottir is Confused and Open. She is a Common adventurer. (She/Her)

Disorder Beast Air
Longhome | Noble | Telmor
Created at 2022/04/05
Friki Vetusto

Berra is Excellent and Carefree. She is a Common adventurer. (She/Her)

Yanatale Husbanda Farsdottir
Illusion Man Air
Longhome | Entertainer | Daka Fal
Created at 2022/04/05
Friki Vetusto

Yanatale Husbanda Farsdottir is Delightful and Consistent. She is a Common adventurer. (She/Her)

Kenvale Ice-Beart
Harmony Death Earth
Sartar | Bandit | Babeester Gor
Created at 2022/04/05
Friki Vetusto

Kenvale Ice-Beart is Imaginative and Faith In Self. She is a Common adventurer. (She/Her)

Illusion Death Earth
Yellow Elf | Noble | Babeester Gor
Created at 2022/04/05
Friki Vetusto

Ivarnansdottir is Dishonest and Pleasing. She is a Common adventurer. (She/Her)

Venar Broat
Truth Beast Air
Esrolia | Priest | Odayla
Created at 2022/04/05
Friki Vetusto

Venar Broat is Crude and Cynical. He is a Common adventurer. (He/Him)

Truth Beast Moon
Durulz (Ducks) | Merchant | Telmor
Created at 2022/04/05
Friki Vetusto

Fine is Flippant and Fabulous. He is a Common adventurer. (He/Him)

Truth Death Earth
Dark Trolls | Heavy Cavalry | Babeester Gor
Created at 2022/04/05
Friki Vetusto

Hoftisarg is Joking and Afraid Of Commitment. He is a Common adventurer. (He/Him)

Fertility Harmony Water
Prax: Bison Riders | Philosopher | Dormal the Sailor
Created at 2022/04/05
Friki Vetusto

Beneva is Self-Controlling and Lunatic. She is a Common adventurer. (She/Her)

Barulf Golder
Beast Death Air
Old Tarsh | Healer | Yinkin
Created at 2022/04/05
Friki Vetusto

Barulf Golder is Overweight and Verbose. He is a Common adventurer. (He/Him)

Man Movement Darkness
Prax: Impala Rider | Heavy Infantry | Seseine
Created at 2022/03/24
Adam Clark

Caransson is Sentimental and Gloomy. He is a Common adventurer. (He/Him)

Man Disorder Earth
Prax: Impala Rider | Chariot Driver | Pavis
Created at 2022/03/24
Adam Clark

Garulf is Dashing and Resentful. He is a Common adventurer. (He/Him)

Hardovar Tarasar the Jacktooth
Death Truth Earth
Prax: Impala Rider | Herder | Babeester Gor
Created at 2022/03/24
Adam Clark

Hardovar Tarasar the Jacktooth is Bad and Horrible. He is a Heroic adventurer. (He/Him)

Kenvareenava Spottir
Illusion Harmony Earth
Prax: Impala Rider | Crafter | Flintnail
Created at 2022/03/24
Adam Clark

Kenvareenava Spottir is Respectful and Brazen. She is a Heroic adventurer. (She/Her)

Sararakt Boorses
Death Man Moon
Esrolia | Chariot Driver | Seven Mothers
Created at 2022/03/19

Sararakt Boorses is Relents and Passionate. He is a Heroic adventurer. (He/Him)

Sarogor Iron-Plow
Death Harmony Water
Esrolia | Light Infantry | Dormal the Sailor
Created at 2022/03/15

Sarogor Iron-Plow is Forgiving and Despicable. He is a Epic adventurer. (He/Him)

Sena Winestale the Amourouble-Bear
Man Harmony Water
Esrolia | Light Infantry | Dormal the Sailor
Created at 2022/03/15

Sena Winestale the Amourouble-Bear is Unmotivated and Disparaging. She is a Epic adventurer. (She/Her)

Beast Harmony Water
Esrolia | Light Infantry | Dormal the Sailor
Created at 2022/03/15

Arrentkar is Horrible and Expansive. She is a Epic adventurer. (She/Her)

Kalllarios Red-Wind
Harmony Movement Water
Esrolia | Light Infantry | Dormal the Sailor
Created at 2022/03/15

Kalllarios Red-Wind is Inventive and Average. She is a Epic adventurer. (She/Her)

Death Harmony Darkness
Grazelands | Merchant | Zorak Zoran
Created at 2022/02/26
Thierry Billaud

Benstbel is Punctual and Open. He is a Heroic adventurer. (He/Him)

Berenkos the Shadow-Whiskis the Black-Breath-windure-Hand -Laughinge
Air Beast Illusion
Sartar | Entertainer | Yinkin
Created at 2022/02/23

Berenkos the Shadow-Whiskis the Black-Breath-windure-Hand -Laughinge is Rough and Regretful. They is a Heroic adventurer. (They/Them)

Desmast Hofan Man
Darkness Man Fertility
Dark Trolls | Bandit | Kyger Litor
Created at 2022/02/17
Joaquin virgilio casal

Desmast Hofan Man is Truthful and Concerned. They is a Epic adventurer. (They/Them)

Dargatar Eoal Red
Darkness Illusion Man
Dark Trolls | Bandit | Kyger Litor
Created at 2022/02/17
Joaquin virgilio casal

Dargatar Eoal Red is Apprehensive and Sacrificing. He is a Heroic adventurer. (He/Him)

Darkness Death Man
Dark Trolls | Bandit | Kyger Litor
Created at 2022/02/17
Joaquin virgilio casal

Arranandestaliaktsdottir is Chivalrous and Virtuous. She is a Heroic adventurer. (She/Her)

Aral the Fox
Darkness Death Truth
Dark Trolls | Bandit | Zorak Zoran
Created at 2022/02/17
Joaquin virgilio casal

Aral the Fox is Affable and Despicable. He is a Epic adventurer. (He/Him)

Darkness Man Death
Dark Trolls | Bandit | Zorak Zoran
Created at 2022/02/17
Joaquin virgilio casal

Yanalasdottir is Stupid and Demanding. She is a Heroic adventurer. (She/Her)

Fertility Movement Moon
Prax: Impala Rider | Merchant | Eiritha
Created at 2022/02/08

Hary is Perseveres and Accident Prone. She is a Common adventurer. (She/Her)

Esrolvula Crow-Drift
Movement Illusion Air
Prax: High Llama Rider | Philosopher | Orlanth Thunderous
Created at 2022/02/08

Esrolvula Crow-Drift is Unassuming and Vindictive. They is a Epic adventurer. (They/Them)

Sarast Kulf Bloods
Man Truth Fire/Sky
Prax: Pol-Joni | Fisher | Gustbran the Redsmith
Created at 2022/02/03
Paul Affleck

Sarast Kulf Bloods is Despicable and Crazy. He is a Common adventurer. (He/Him)

Berantip Rain-Many-Arrolarm
Death Man Moon
Dark Trolls | Noble | Seven Mothers
Created at 2022/01/21
Sir Ethan The Great

Berantip Rain-Many-Arrolarm is Rich and Observant. He is a Heroic adventurer. (He/Him)

Kallla Keorth Bryonsulva Salir
Fertility Movement Air
Esrolia | Crafter | Orlanth
Created at 2022/01/14
Connor Shearwood

Kallla Keorth Bryonsulva Salir is Bratty and Evasive. She is a Heroic adventurer. (She/Her)

Yeresta Laugh-Much
Earth Truth Man
Esrolia | Hunter | Daka Fal
Created at 2022/01/12

Yeresta Laugh-Much is Unreliable and Open-Minded. She is a Heroic adventurer. (She/Her)

Movement Death Moon
Longhome | Merchant | (Fonrit) Orjethulut
Created at 2022/01/12

Garganded is Cheerful and Late. They is a Heroic adventurer. (They/Them)

Sarrolarl-Rattle-Bearth Venakt
Harmony Illusion Fire/Sky
Prax: Bison Riders | Lead Dwarf | Flintnail
Created at 2022/01/10

Sarrolarl-Rattle-Bearth Venakt is Amiable and Incompetent. He is a Common adventurer. (He/Him)

Arella the Fox
Movement Fertility Air
Esrolia | Entertainer | Issaries
Created at 2022/01/09

Arella the Fox is Vain and Formal. She is a Common adventurer. (She/Her)

Beast Death Fire/Sky
Lunar Tarsh | Heavy Infantry | Seven Mothers
Created at 2022/01/06
Paul Watson

Orlatarsh-Broken-Bladen-Footh-wing is Responsible and Sisterly. He is a Common adventurer. (He/Him)

Entrella the Sleeper
Harmony Death Earth
Durulz (Ducks) | Light Infantry | Humakt
Created at 2022/01/05
Arlen Surefoot

Entrella the Sleeper is Distressed and Sincere. She is a Heroic adventurer. (She/Her)

Death Disorder Earth
Durulz (Ducks) | Light Infantry | Humakt
Created at 2022/01/05
Arlen Surefoot

Adessa is Unpredictable and Opinionated. She is a Heroic adventurer. (She/Her)

Air Death Truth
Durulz (Ducks) | Light Infantry | Humakt
Created at 2022/01/05
Arlen Surefoot

Korsson is Insightful and Persevering. He is a Heroic adventurer. (He/Him)

Koronil Healer
Death Movement Moon
Durulz (Ducks) | Light Infantry | Humakt
Created at 2022/01/05
Arlen Surefoot

Koronil Healer is Available and Dismayed. He is a Heroic adventurer. (He/Him)

Air Movement Disorder
Sartar | Light Cavalry | Orlanth Adventurous
Created at 2022/01/01

Broast is Uncooperative and Persevering. He is a Heroic adventurer. (He/Him)

Erinyr Sweet
Darkness Death Movement
Dark Trolls | Troll Warrior | Zorak Zoran
Created at 2021/12/27

Erinyr Sweet is Gruesome and Annoyed. She is a Epic adventurer. (She/Her)

Darrolgor Promakt Iron-Wise
Moon Death Harmony
Lunar Tarsh | Healer | Seven Mothers
Created at 2021/12/14
Nephele Boetia

Darrolgor Promakt Iron-Wise is Evil and Late. He is a Heroic adventurer. (He/Him)

Harg the Boorsson
Moon Death Truth
Lunar Tarsh | Light Cavalry | Seven Mothers
Created at 2021/12/14
Nephele Boetia

Harg the Boorsson is Sorry and Talkative. He is a Heroic adventurer. (He/Him)

Erinestra Lowfire
Fertility Movement Fire/Sky
Longhome | Farmer | Yelm
Created at 2021/12/10

Erinestra Lowfire is Mean and Witty. She is a Heroic adventurer. (She/Her)

Harmony Fertility Earth
Grazelands | Herder | Ernalda
Created at 2021/12/10

Jarankordarin is Hormonal and Undisciplined. He is a Heroic adventurer. (He/Him)

Man Death Air
Old Tarsh | Heavy Infantry | Humakt
Created at 2021/12/10

Raker is Joyful and Filthy. He is a Heroic adventurer. (He/Him)

Truth Death Darkness
Esrolia | Bandit | (Fonrit) Hanjethulut
Created at 2021/12/10

Senranarnsynsdottir is Languid and Overwhelmed. She is a Heroic adventurer. (She/Her)

Ivarnarios Vadatala
Death Disorder Air
Dark Trolls | Heavy Cavalry | Storm Bull
Created at 2021/12/10

Ivarnarios Vadatala is Logical and Sharp. She is a Heroic adventurer. (She/Her)

Henakt Eoald-Fastar Hoftarsson
Man Death Moon
Prax: High Llama Rider | Heavy Cavalry | Seven Mothers
Created at 2021/12/10

Henakt Eoald-Fastar Hoftarsson is Performer and Intellectual. He is a Heroic adventurer. (He/Him)

Beast Movement Air
Prax: Impala Rider | Heavy Infantry | Orlanth
Created at 2021/12/10

Onelessa is Patriotic and Threatening. She is a Heroic adventurer. (She/Her)