Strange and wonderous people abound. Start typing below to find your quarry:
Beormast, son of Bromast, has followed his father’s footsteps as a craftsman for his clan, creating wealth for his kinsmen, and acquiring the na…
A duck, its just a duck
Young shamaness of her tribe who struggles to fit into the physical world and into her tribe. Walks mostly on the spirit realm and has recently …
An ambitious young woman, Lunar convert and self-styled future queen of the Locaem Tribe.
A grizzled and grouchy veteran of the Lunar conflicts.
a real fancy guy. tbh I’m just using this to check out the app
Initiate of yanafal tarnils, eager defender of the red moon precepts, enthusiast Lunar soldier
Grultringka is the matriarch of the Leadgut Clan.
Sun-dome sword-thane and would be hero.
Explorer and delver of secrets.
Lunar Bureaucrat
Old Lob’s family fled to Prax after Grizzly Peak. The family was split between trying to return to Old Tarsh, and integrating with Praxian socie…
An earnest young warrior and potential hero.
Noble scion of Tarsh and rebel.
Odaylan hunter from the Far Place
A wanna be tax inspector and sorcerer
Provincial aristocrat of Lunar Tarsh and sworn servant of the Seven Mothers.
A powerful Uz war-master and foe of the Mostali.
Rough and ready bruiser.