Strange and wonderous people abound. Start typing below to find your quarry:
Veraringer Farshot is Dissolute and Sharp-Tongued. He is a Heroic adventurer. (He/Him)
our grandparent’s history Your grandparent was a(n) farmer from Sartar. Year 1561 Your grandparents were born this year. Year 1582 King…
Ters-Home is Independent and Reserved. He is a Common adventurer. (He/Him)
Oranda Sarsdottir is Reserved and Ornery. She is a Common adventurer. (She/Her)
Adura Anasdottir is Brave and Trustworthy. She is a Common adventurer. (She/Her)
Heorlsson is Caustic and Primitive. He is a Common adventurer. (He/Him)
Virdras Rider is Action Oriented and Self-Reliant. He is a Heroic adventurer. (He/Him)
Heorldath Goldringer is Shrewd and Shy. He is a Heroic adventurer. (He/Him)
Mernalasdottir is Goal Orientated and Repugnant. She is a Common adventurer. (She/Her)
Leikadessa Hendessa the Red-Talker is Spoiled and Artistic. She is a Heroic adventurer. (She/Her)
Yandesta is Mild and Indecisive. She is a Common adventurer. (She/Her)
Aurisa the Kana is Vengeful and Afraid. She is a Heroic adventurer. (She/Her)
Ters is Passive and Pitiful. He is a Common adventurer. (He/Him)
Keortorm-Fool-Hater is Trusting and Romantic. He is a Heroic adventurer. (He/Him)
Rightness: 5 Caste Restrictions: Do not engage in physical combat; do not perform manual labor; do not negotiate or bargain with other castes…
Rectitud 1 Horal, Comandante de los horali del Baron Fortimbras
Salisarsson is Merciful and Indulgent. He is a Heroic adventurer. (He/Him)
Erinessa Arella True-Eyes is Lowly and Trivial. She is a Heroic adventurer. (She/Her)
Venal Many-Cow is Greedy and Simple. He is a Heroic adventurer. (He/Him)
Find the Friendralor Antarsson is Sentimental and Limited. He is a Heroic adventurer. (He/Him)
Rectitud 3 Maestria tecnicas: Comandar, Invocar Maestria formas: Fuego, Espiritu, Fertilidad, Magia Rectitud 5 Tabues: No entrar en combate…
Rectitud 1
Rectitud 1 Tabues:
Maestria tecnicas: Comandar, Invocar, Combinar Maestria formas: Fuego, Estasis, Espiritu, Muerte, Magia, Armonia Rectitud 5 Tabues: No …
Rylu Yanafalven (right) is a dedicated warrior of the Lunar Empire, and a zealous follower of the Seven Mothers and Yanafal Tarnils. Born to a f…
Test character
tall and large praxian nomad
Sarotar Talker is Miserly and Pathetic. He is a Heroic adventurer. (He/Him)
Senale Farsdottir is Tasteful and Authoritative. He is a Heroic adventurer.
Mernarios is Heart Broken and Short. She is a Heroic adventurer. (She/Her)
Orana Many-Keep-Walker is Sensual and Cold. She is a Heroic adventurer. (She/Her)
Carakt Goldrossson is Growly and Stolid. He is a Epic adventurer. (He/Him)
Andrinor Bitter is Furtive and Unbending. He is a Common adventurer. (He/Him)
Penkordantan the Hawk is Painstaking and Affable. He is a Common adventurer. (He/Him)
Leikadrella Key-Keeper is Wild and Ashamed. She is a Heroic adventurer. (She/Her)
Farsarl the Red-Water is Resolute and Apathetic. He is a Common adventurer. (He/Him)
Yandasdottir is Deranged and Lonely. She is a Heroic adventurer. (She/Her)
Harfin Salar Kulkarsson is Languid and Inventive. He is a Heroic adventurer. (He/Him)
Saliste the Wolfsson is Punctilious and Moralistic. He is a Epic adventurer. (He/Him)
Desansson is Immature and Volatile. They is a Common adventurer. (They/Them)
Jarharl is Giving and Helpful. They is a Epic adventurer. (They/Them)
Hendkordarin is Dazzling and Enduring. He is a Heroic adventurer. (He/Him)
Oneldyr Sarsdottir is Never Hungry and Competent. She is a Common adventurer. (She/Her)
Heortar is Tough and Gregarious. He is a Heroic adventurer. (He/Him)
Yanoretin the Wind is Pompous and Glum. He is a Heroic adventurer. (He/Him)
Leika Barlsdottir is Panicky and Combative. She is a Epic adventurer. (She/Her)
Erine is Exuberant and Tasteful. She is a Heroic adventurer. (She/Her)
Senrella is Nimble and Gruff. She is a Heroic adventurer. (She/Her)
Orlonil is Liar and Compulsive. He is a Heroic adventurer. (He/Him)
Ivarndestra the Winestra the Amourous is Eloquent and Mysterious. They is a Heroic adventurer. (They/Them)
Drakar’s youthful visage belies the strength that lies beneath. His eyes, a vibrant shade of hazel, carry the weight of ancestral wisdom, a sile…
Serena é uma mulher alta e esbelta de pele palida, tendo traços refinados dignos de um nobre, além de uma forma de falar calma e sedutora.
Lonyr a Grisalha segunda filha de Janessa a Grisalha e Kalaran o grisalho: irmã mais nova de Valmek uma seguidora de Ernalda que não nutr…