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1625 - Sea Season - Disorder Week

nonni 1561 + 1582 nonno militare spicco Participating Homelands: All.King Tarkalor and his wife the Feathered Horse Queen went to war with the Lunar Empire to aid the Old Tarshites, aided by Praxian and Esrolian mercenaries and volunteers. The Red Emperor personally led the Lunar Army and when the armies met at the Battle of Grizzly Peak, the Lunar Army swept the field with their vastly superior magicians. Both King Tarkalor and his Queen were killed.Of special note, your parents were born by this year. no grizly peak 1597 assassini lunar holy country…non partecipa… 1602 Lunar assassins killed members of the Sartar royal house in the Holy Country, and many got entangled in the cycles of murder and vengeance. non partecipa 1605 A major thrust by the Lunar army to invade the Holy Country, striking at heavily populated Esrolia. Countering with magical strength, the god-king Belintar stopped the Lunars by inflicting a decisive and humiliating defeat- anno normale nessuna battaglia. 1608 genitori: prax invaso…anno normale 1610 prax padre naturale morto ammazzato dagli spiriti 1615 patrigno combatte battaglia grazeland (survived) 1616 a normal year 1618 normal year 1619 patrigno morto cause sconosciute (crimson bat) 1622 mia storia Tatius the bright governatore dragon pass. Quasi morto congelato. Soppravvivo riscaldandomi bruciando i miei nemici (hate colymar clan) 1623 troll riders quasi morto (hate trolls) 1625 assistito dragon rise e soppravvissuto….supportato fazzur wideread e acquistate loyalty fazzur
