Free Int: 23 + 2 Enh Int - 3 spell (SolM, Steal Life e Dominate)= 22
Tatuaggio: Runa fire con iscritto Enhanced Int.
Tatuaggio: Runa fire con iscritto Conflagration
Spilla simbolo casata: Power Spirit 12 mp
Book) +100 parata x2ap no fumble
Magic Routine: +2 int x 1 Season—WaW 7x4week —SoLM 11x1week
All common Divine magic: Dismiss Magic, Extension, Find Enemy, Heal Wound, Multispell, Spirit Block, Warding.
Resistence normal cold
+3 ap rune di protezione
Auros Book: +10 Cast Spell - Cult lore Auros 100% - +20% study new spell or enchant - 1⁄2 casting time +4 intesity range & duration - 1% pass megic resistence*intensity.
Le resistenze contro i gaze Attack mortali le cannerai solo con 01-05. Inoltre contro i gaze Attack di altro tipo tirerai due volte e prenderai il risultato migliore
Find Substance (Find (Iron) Rune Varies Depending On Substance 1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Nonstackable This Spell Informs The Caster Of The Presence Of The Substance Sought By Giving It A Slight Identifying Glow (Or Similar Effect For Non-Visual Senses) That Is Visible Only To The Caster. This Spell Can Detect Hidden Objects Of The Desired Substance Unless They Are Behind Three Or More Meters Of Stone, Soil, Or Metal.)
Knowledge (Points Touch, Temporal, Nonstackable This Spell Allows The User To Read The History Of The Item Touched. Any Information That Cannot Be Assimilated Fully Within The 15 Minutes Of The Spell Is Missed. If The Item Has A Long History, The Spell Starts At The Beginning, Unless The Caster Dictates A Specific Time At Which To Start.)
Translate (1 Point Touch, Temporal, Nonstackable This Spell Translates All Words Touched By The Target’s Index Finger At Normal Reading Speed (About 3,000 Written Words In 15 Minutes), Leaving An Impression Of The Meaning Afterwards, In A Manner That Aids In Translations Of The Same Language Or Script. Untranslatable Words Are Not Translated, Though The Target Receives An Idea Of The Word’s Meaning.)
2 Points
Ranged, Active, Temporal
This spell summons a fire into existence at a place within
the range of the spell. The intensity of the fire depends on
the strength of the spell:
Conflagration Intensity
Strength Brightness
Melee Round
1–3 Candle 1D3
4–7 Torch 1D6
8–11 Raging fire, hot enough
to melt tin 2D6
12–15 Intense fire hot enough
to melt lead 3D6
16–19 Hot enough to melt bronze,
copper, gold, or silver 4D6
20+ Hot enough to melt iron 5D6
The fire does not move, although it will spread if flammable
material is nearby. If it is cast at a living person, it
does damage based on the strength of the spell until the
target moves away.
Strength Area Volume
1–3 Candle – size of a candle flame
4–7 Torch – size of a torch flame
8 & above bucketsized – size of a small forge – enough to work metal.
Dominate (Humanoid):
2 Points
Ranged, Active, Temporal
This is an assortment of spells, each tied to a single species of
humanoid creature with the Man Rune. To cast a Dominate
spell at the correct species requires a spell strength of at least
half the target’s magic points. Casting a Dominate spell at the
wrong species (but still humanoid) requires a spell strength
equal to or higher than the target’s magic points.
Example: Dominate Human requires strength 6 to affect a
human with 12 magic points, while Dominate Centaur requires
at least strength 12 to affect that same human.
If the target fails to resist the strength of the Dominate
spell with their POW, the target falls under the caster’s dom-
ination. If the caster tries to force the target to perform an
exceedingly repugnant action (strongly contrary to a Rune or
Passion), it gets an immediate opportunity to try to invoke
that ability and break free.
Enhance Int:
2 Points
Touch, Passive, Temporal
This spell temporarily increases the INT of the target by 1.
Every 4 levels of strength added to the spell increases the target’s INT by +1. Thus, if the spell’s strength is increased
by 8 magic points, it adds +3 to the target’s INT for the
duration of the spell.
This spell affects the Free INT of the target during the
spell’s duration, and can increase the target’s INT beyond
species maximum.
3 Points
Ranged, Active, Temporal
The spell helps locate a desired thing or entity upon a
symbolic representation of an area within range. This could
be a map, painting of a location, or even marks in the dirt or
a crude charcoal sketch. The caster uses a stick, pendulum, or
even a finger and must state what they are trying to locate on
the map. If successful, they learn the corresponding location
on the map to where the thing or entity currently is, if the
thing or entity is currently somewhere that corresponds to
a location on the map and is within the range of the spell.
Mend Flesh:
3 Points
Ranged, Passive, Instant
This spell heals 1D3 points of damage to a hit location. At
strength 4 it heals 1D6 points of damage, at strength 8 it
heals 2D6 points of damage, at strength 12 it heals 3D6
points of damage, and so on. The spell can reattach severed
limbs (if the severed part is present and joined to the wound)
and even repair maimed limbs if the location is fully healed
by the spell. Wounds healed with this spell bear no scars.
Neutralize Magic:
2 Points
Ranged, Passive, Temporal
This spell neutralizes any spell with duration if it overcomes
the strength of the target spell on the resistance table. Rune
magic has a strength of 2 for every Rune point used to cast
the Rune spell. The Neutralize Magic spell’s strength must
be at least half that of the spell in question. If the spell’s
strength is twice or more the target spell’s strength, the spell
automatically neutralizes the target spell.
A spell that has been neutralized has no effect for the
duration of the Neutralize Magic spell. If the spell’s duration
exceeds that of the Neutralize Magic spell, it has effect when
the Neutralize Magic spell has expired.
Solace Of The Logical Mind:
2 Points
Ranged, Passive, Temporal
This spell defends the subject from the effects of mindaltering
magic, including Befuddle or a vampire’s Enthrall,
for the duration of the spell. If the subject is unwilling, the
caster must overcome the subject’s magic points with the
spell’s levels of strength. While the spell is in effect, the
caster cannot invoke any Passion or augment any ability
with that Passion.
Steal Life:
1d6 mp che rigenera temporaneamente il mago
Ward Against Weapons:
2 Points
Ranged, Passive, Temporal
This spell protects only the body of the target (not their
possessions). The total damage done to a protected creature
or object must overcome the strength of the spell using the
resistance table. If the damage overcomes the spell’s strength,
then the full force of the damage affects the target. The
target’s armor then absorbs as much of the damage as it can.
If the damage does not overcome the spell, then the blow
does no damage to the target.
The spell protects the target for its full duration. If it
is combined with the Shield Rune spell or the Protection
spirit magic spell, the damage is first matched against the
resistance table and then, if it passes through the target, is
absorbed by the Protection or Shield spells and any armor
worn by the target.
Hit Locations
L Arm
R Arm
L Leg
R Leg
Spirits & Matrixes
Gordelor (Spilla Simbolo Casata)
POW: 12
Two Ancient History books
*50 L in coin
*Iron Braodsword
+ rampino in bronzo
Laccio di cuoio intrecciato con artiglio d'orso 🐻 come pendente ( 12 cm), contiene un Power Spirit 15 Pow e 4 punti liberi
Armband in argento con matrice di protecton 4 e 12 mp
Runepool 6 + 5 Auros
Medaglione a forma di pergamena Shrine portatile
Spilla pietroline oro argento
Pergamena steal life
Pietra 10 mp
*Spilla con Power spirit 12 mp
Contenitore 14 mp
bracciale argento 12 mp
opale di fuoco da 11 mp
Bracciale runa conoscenza con 26 mp
Loyalty Milim 60 (the crimson witch)
---totali: 214 mp --- 22-11-22-22-10-10-1-1
Lunar 467 +97 wheel
corona: vista creazione-2 gemme maggiori di invulmerabilita tot 15 sr (att e pass)- 7 minori danno fisico 4 3 magico.
Collarino acciaio: la via dell'eroe è la via della sofferenza, la via della sofferenza è la via della vittoria.
with shield: apx2 +100 percentuale scudo + no fumble + 1hp al critico + no disarm