
Air Truth Death

Bountyhunter of Durulz (Ducks), Initiate of Humakt

Mallardi Clan | Duck Point Tribe Thumbnail

Created at 2024/06/19 by robblev


Donald is a brave and intimidating warrior, devoted to Humakti and has a special hate for the Lunar Empire. Descended from a long line of mighty warrior ducks. He fought along side the White Bull Society when Argrath was driven from Dragon Pass to Pavis. Donald fought in the Siege of Nochet (1623) with distinction, killing numerous trollkin. In 1624 he was nearly killed by Lunar magic at the Battle of Pennel Ford developing a dislike for the Lunar Empire. During the Liberation of Pavis (1625) Donald was nearly killed in battle. He has a deep scar on his lower right arm from an encounter with a Lunar Dwarf mercenary (who he killed with a single axe blow.)

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Strength 11 55%
Constitution 16 80%
Size 6 30%
Dexterity 14 70%
Intelligence 17 85%
Power 18 90%
Charisma 10 50%
Rune Points (Humakt) 3
Damage Bonus 0
DEX Strike Rank 2
Hit Points 16
Healing Rate 3
Magic Points 18
Spirit Damage 1D6+1
SIZ Strike Rank 3
Air Air 90%
Darkness Darkness 30%
Fire/Sky Fire/Sky 60%
Death Death 75%
Truth Truth 75%
Ground 5
Water 8
Passions & Reputation
Devotion (Humakti) 60%
Hate (Dwarves) 60%
Hate (Lunar) 60%
Honor 70%
Love (Family) 60%
Loyalty (Clan) 60%
Loyalty (Prax) 60%
Loyalty (Tribe) 60%
Loyalty (White Bull Society) 60%
Reputation 13%
Standard of Living Free
Income 70 L
Ransom 300 L

Skills [Gameplay] [Main]

Agility (+10%)
Boat (25) 40%
Dodge (28) 48%
Ride (Horse) (5) 25%
Communication (+10%)
Dance (10) 25%
Intimidate (15) 80%
Sing (10) 30%
Manipulation (+20%)

Knowledge (+15%)
Battle (10) 45%
Cult Lore (Humakt) (0) 30%
Customs (Heortling) (0) 25%
Customs (Heortling) (25) 25%
Farm (10) 45%
Herd (5) 30%
Lore (Homeland) (0) 25%
Survival (15) 40%

Magic (+10%)
Meditate (0) 30%
Sense Assassin (0) 20%
Spirit Combat (20) 85%
Worship (Humakt) (0) 30%
Perception (+15%)
Insight (Species) (20) 45%
Listen (25) 50%
Scan (25) 50%
Search (25) 50%
Track (5) 40%
Ranged (+20%)
Composite Bow (5) 95%
Javelin (10) 40%

Melee (+20%)
1H Axe (10) 100%
1H Spear (5) 35%
Battle Axe (10) 40%
Broadsword (10) 45%
Dagger (15) 45%
Shield (+20%)
Large Shield (15) 45%
Medium Shield (15) 75%
Small Shield (15) 60%
Stealth (+15%)
Move Quietly (10) 35%

Agility (+10%)
Boat (25) 40%
Climb (40) 50%
Dodge (28) 48%
Drive (Chariot) (5) 15%
Jump (42) 52%
Ride (Horse) (5) 25%
Swim (80) 90%
Communication (+10%)
Act (5) 15%
Art (5) 15%
Bargain (5) 15%
Charm (15) 25%
Dance (10) 25%
Disguise (5) 15%
Fast Talk (25) 35%
Intimidate (15) 80%
Intrigue (5) 15%
Orate (10) 20%
Sing (10) 30%
Manipulation (+20%)
Conceal (5) 25%
Craft (Arms) (10) 30%
Devise (5) 25%
Play Instrument (5) 25%
Sleight (10) 30%

Knowledge (+15%)
Animal Lore (5) 20%
Battle (10) 45%
Celestial Lore (5) 20%
Cult Lore (Humakt) (0) 30%
Customs (Heortling) (0) 25%
Customs (Heortling) (25) 25%
Elder Race Lore (Elves) (5) 20%
Evaluate (10) 25%
Farm (10) 45%
First Aid (10) 25%
Game (15) 30%
Herd (5) 30%
Homeland Lore (Local) (30) 45%
Lore (Homeland) (0) 25%
Manage Household (10) 25%
Mineral Lore (5) 20%
Peaceful Cut (10) 25%
Plant Lore (5) 20%
Survival (15) 40%
Treat Disease (5) 20%
Treat Poison (5) 20%

Magic (+10%)
Meditate (0) 30%
Prepare Corpse (10) 20%
Sense Assassin (0) 20%
Spirit Combat (20) 85%
Worship (Humakt) (0) 30%
Perception (+15%)
Insight (Species) (20) 45%
Listen (25) 50%
Scan (25) 50%
Search (25) 50%
Track (5) 40%
Ranged (+20%)
Arbalest (10) 30%
Axe, Throwing (10) 30%
Composite Bow (5) 95%
Crossbows (25) 45%
Dagger, Throwing (5) 25%
Elf Bow (5) 25%
Javelin (10) 40%
Pole Lasso (5) 25%
Rock (15) 35%
Self Bow (5) 25%
Sling (5) 25%
Staff Sling (10) 30%
Throwing Dagger (10) 30%
Thrown Axe (10) 30%

Melee (+20%)
1H Axe (10) 100%
1H Hammer (10) 30%
1H Mace (15) 35%
1H Spear (5) 35%
2H Axe (5) 25%
2H Hammer (5) 25%
2H Mace (10) 30%
2H Spear (15) 35%
Battle Axe (10) 40%
Broadsword (10) 45%
Dagger (15) 45%
Fist (25) 45%
Grapple (25) 45%
Greatsword (5) 25%
Kick (15) 35%
Kopis (10) 30%
Lance (5) 25%
Pike (15) 35%
Quarterstaff (15) 35%
Rapier (5) 25%
Shortsword (10) 30%
Whip (5) 25%
Shield (+20%)
Large Shield (15) 45%
Medium Shield (15) 75%
Small Shield (15) 60%
Stealth (+15%)
Hide (10) 25%
Move Quietly (10) 35%
Gameplay [Skills] [Main]
Melee Attacks
Attack Skill Damage SR HP
2H Battle Axe 40% 1D8+2 8
Broadsword 45% 1D8+1 7
Medium Shield 75% 1D4 8
Small Axe 100% 1D6+1 9
Ranged Attacks
Attack Skill Damage SR Range Special
Composite Bow 95% 1D8+1 2 100m
Thrown Axe 30% 1D6 2 20m
Thrown Javelin 40% 1D10 2 20m
Thrown Rock 35% 1D4 2 20m

Hit Locations
Hit Location Armor HP Max
19-20 Head 4 6 /6
16-18 L Arm 3 5 /5
13-15 R Arm 3 5 /5
12 Chest 3 7 /7
9-11 Abdomen 3 6 /6
5-8 L Leg 3 6 /6
1-4 R Leg 3 6 /6
Linothorax (3 pts)
Cuirboilli graves and vambraces (3 pts)
Open helm (4 pts)
1 distinctive scar
Appropiate weapons
sleeping roll
Booty 200 L
Normal clothing