Sailor of (Tiers) Haven (Free Cities), Initiate of Dormal the Sailor
Created at 2024/03/23 by gardclan
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Strength | 8 | 40% |
Constitution | 13 | 65% |
Size | 10 | 50% |
Dexterity | 19 | 95% |
Intelligence | 15 | 75% |
Power | 16 | 80% |
Charisma | 18 | 90% |
Rune Points (Dormal the Sailor) | 3 |
Damage Bonus | 0 |
DEX Strike Rank | 0 |
Hit Points | 13 |
Healing Rate | 3 |
Magic Points | 16 |
Spirit Damage | 1D6+3 |
SIZ Strike Rank | 2 |
Air | 40% |
Fire/Sky | 20% |
Moon | 10% |
Water | 70% |
Harmony | 60% |
Movement | 75% |
Truth | 60% |
Undeath | 10% |
Rune Spells
Float | 1 |
Ground | 8 |
Ground | 8 |
Passions & Reputation
Devotion | 70% |
Devotion (Dormal) | 60% |
Fear | 70% |
Hate (Stalwart) | 60% |
Honor | 70% |
Honor (Tiersman) | 60% |
Love | 70% |
Loyalty | 70% |
Loyalty (Free Cities) | 60% |
Loyalty (Tribe/City) | 60% |
Reputation | 11% |
Spirit Magic
Coordination | 0 |
Farsee | 0 |
Repair | 0 |
Strength | 0 |
Vigor | 0 |
Standard of Living | Free |
Income | 60 L |
Ransom | 350 L |