
Plant Earth Movement

Elf Priestess-Shaman of Green Elf, Initiate of Aldrya


Created at 2025/02/18 by Major Tom


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Strength 13 65%
Constitution 14 70%
Size 13 65%
Dexterity 15 75%
Intelligence 17 85%
Power 19 95%
Charisma 16 80%
Rune Points (Aldrya) 6
Damage Bonus +1D4
DEX Strike Rank 2
Hit Points 16
Healing Rate 3
Magic Points 19
Spirit Damage 1D6+3
SIZ Strike Rank 2
Darkness Darkness 15%
Earth Earth 90%
Fire/Sky Fire/Sky 40%
Moon Moon 20%
Chaos Chaos 3%
Fertility Fertility 65%
Harmony Harmony 65%
Illusion Illusion 55%
Man Man 75%
Movement Movement 78%
Plant Plant 97%
Ground 8
Passions & Reputation
Devotion (Aldrya) 100%
Hate (Chaos) 82%
Hate (Mostali) 60%
Loyalty (Lightbringers) 63%
Loyalty (Old Woods) 60%
Trust (Heroes Of Dragon Pass) 60%
Spirit Magic
Control (Plant Spirit) 1
Countermagic 1
Demoralize 2
Standard of Living Free
Income 0 L
Ransom 1000 L

Skills [Gameplay] [Main]

Agility (+10%)
Boat (5) 20%
Climb (70) 85%
Dodge (28) 65%
Jump (42) 65%
Ride (Horse) (5) 28%
Communication (+15%)
Dance (10) 40%
Orate (10) 33%
Sing (25) 71%
Speak (Spiritspeech) (0) 6635%
Manipulation (+20%)
Conceal (20) 45%
Devise (5) 30%

Knowledge (+15%)
Battle (10) 28%
Cult Lore (Aldrya) (0) 106%
Elder Race Lore (Elves) (5) 25%
First Aid (25) 96%
Homeland Lore (Local) (30) 40%
Lore (Elf) (25) 50%
Plant Lore (50) 100%
Treat Disease (5) 43%
Treat Poison (5) 40%

Magic (+10%)
Meditate (0) 99%
Prepare Corpse (10) 30%
Spirit Combat (50) 106%
Spirit Dance (0) 55%
Spirit Lore (0) 85%
Spirit Travel (0) 105%
Worship (Aldrya) (30) 124%
Perception (+15%)
Insight (Elf) (20) 85%
Insight (Duck) (20) 19%
Insight (Human) (20) 26%
Listen (45) 86%
Scan (25) 88%
Search (25) 50%
Track (25) 54%
Ranged (+20%)
Elf Bow (30) 109%

Melee (+20%)
1H Spear (20) 47%
Shortsword (20) 43%
Shield (+20%)
Stealth (+5%)
Hide (25) 83%
Move Quietly (25) 25%

Agility (+10%)
Boat (5) 20%
Climb (70) 85%
Dodge (28) 65%
Drive (Chariot) (5) 15%
Jump (42) 65%
Ride (Horse) (5) 28%
Swim (15) 25%
Communication (+15%)
Act (5) 20%
Art (5) 20%
Bargain (5) 20%
Charm (15) 30%
Dance (10) 40%
Disguise (5) 20%
Fast Talk (5) 20%
Intimidate (15) 30%
Intrigue (5) 20%
Orate (10) 33%
Sing (25) 71%
Speak (Spiritspeech) (0) 6635%
Manipulation (+20%)
Conceal (20) 45%
Craft (Jewellery) (10) 30%
Devise (5) 30%
Play Instrument (5) 25%
Sleight (10) 30%

Knowledge (+15%)
Animal Lore (5) 20%
Battle (10) 28%
Celestial Lore (5) 20%
Cult Lore (Aldrya) (0) 106%
Elder Race Lore (Elves) (5) 25%
Evaluate (10) 25%
Farm (10) 25%
First Aid (25) 96%
Game (15) 30%
Herd (5) 20%
Homeland Lore (Local) (30) 40%
Lore (Elf) (25) 50%
Manage Household (10) 25%
Mineral Lore (5) 20%
Peaceful Cut (10) 25%
Plant Lore (50) 100%
Survival (15) 30%
Treat Disease (5) 43%
Treat Poison (5) 40%

Magic (+10%)
Meditate (0) 99%
Prepare Corpse (10) 30%
Spirit Combat (50) 106%
Spirit Dance (0) 55%
Spirit Lore (0) 85%
Spirit Travel (0) 105%
Worship (Aldrya) (30) 124%
Perception (+15%)
Elfsense (35) 50%
Insight (Elf) (20) 85%
Insight (Duck) (20) 19%
Insight (Human) (20) 26%
Listen (45) 86%
Scan (25) 88%
Search (25) 50%
Track (25) 54%
Ranged (+20%)
Arbalest (10) 30%
Axe, Throwing (10) 30%
Composite Bow (5) 25%
Crossbows (25) 45%
Dagger, Throwing (5) 25%
Elf Bow (30) 109%
Javelin (10) 30%
Pole Lasso (5) 25%
Rock (15) 35%
Self Bow (5) 25%
Sling (5) 25%
Staff Sling (10) 30%
Throwing Dagger (10) 30%
Thrown Axe (10) 30%

Melee (+20%)
1H Axe (10) 30%
1H Hammer (10) 30%
1H Mace (15) 35%
1H Spear (20) 47%
2H Axe (5) 25%
2H Hammer (5) 25%
2H Mace (10) 30%
2H Spear (15) 35%
Battle Axe (10) 30%
Broadsword (10) 30%
Dagger (15) 35%
Fist (25) 45%
Grapple (25) 45%
Greatsword (5) 25%
Kick (15) 35%
Kopis (10) 30%
Lance (5) 25%
Pike (15) 35%
Quarterstaff (15) 35%
Rapier (5) 25%
Shortsword (20) 43%
Whip (5) 25%
Shield (+20%)
Large Shield (15) 35%
Medium Shield (15) 35%
Small Shield (25) 45%
Stealth (+5%)
Hide (25) 83%
Move Quietly (25) 25%
Gameplay [Skills] [Main]
Ranged Attacks
Attack Skill Damage SR Range Special
Elf Bow 109% 1D8+1 2 80m

  • Enhanced Second Sight: Distinguish POW equal to their own or within a range of 5 points. (for example, a shaman with POW 16 and a fetch with POW 10 can detect whether the POW is 26, or 1–5, 6–10, 11–15, 16– 20, 21–25, 27–31, 32–36, etc.
  • Expanded Presence 1 (9): Each point of this ability provides the fetch with 3D6 “temporary” CHA solely for determining how many spirit magic spells the shaman may learn. This CHA does not affect the shaman’s Communication skills or skills category modifier, just the number of points of spirit magic the shaman can possess.
  • Spirit Mastery 1: Each point adds +3 to the magic points lost by a defending spirit when the shaman successfully attacks in spirit combat.

Hit Locations
Hit Location Armor HP Max
19-20 Head 0 6 /6
16-18 L Arm 0 5 /5
13-15 R Arm 0 5 /5
12 Chest 0 7 /7
9-11 Abdomen 0 6 /6
5-8 L Leg 0 6 /6
1-4 R Leg 0 6 /6
Artifacts and regalia of the forest spirits
Healing poultices that heal 1D6 damage after 1D6 hours on a wound
jewelry, vessels, and other miscellaneous goods worth 450 L.