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Arim Deerhound
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--- Arim Deerhound --- Runes: Earth Movement Death Type: Player Character Homeland: Old Tarsh Occupation: Refugee Initiate of Cult: Babeester Gor Standard of Living: Poor Income: 10 L Ransom: 0 L Description: Tarshite refugee from Wintertop, come south to where Earth is revered, to help defend Earth powers against Lunar encroachment. Gets preachy about need for Earth faithful to stand together, but has grown wittier and more ironic in exile, as well as more cunning. Stats: Strength: 11 (55%) Constitution: 11 (55%) Size: 14 (70%) Dexterity: 13 (65%) Intelligence: 17 (85%) Power: 15 (75%) Charisma: 14 (70%) Derived Stats: Hit Points: 12 Healing Rate: 2 Magic Points: 15 Spirit Damage: 1D6+1 DEX Strike Rank: 2 SIZ Strike Rank: 2 Damage Bonus: +1D4 Movement: Ground: 8 Passions & Reputations: Hate (Lunars) 60% Love (Family) 60% Honor (Family) 60% Loyalty (Clan) 60% Loyalty (Group) 60% Loyalty (Shaker Temple) 60% Devotion (Babeester Gor) 60% Reputation 5% Devotion (Earth) 60% **Cults: Babeester Gor - Initiate - Rune Points: 3 Elemental Runes: Water 40% Fire/Sky 20% Earth 90% Power Runes: Death 75% Spirit 10% Stasis 15% Beast 40% Harmony 50% Disorder 50% Truth 50% Movement 85% Man 60% Fertility 25% Illusion 50% Condition Runes: Skills: **Agility (+5%)** Boat 10% Climb 45% Dodge 23% Drive (Chariot) 10% Jump 32% Ride (Horse) 10% Ride (Horse) 10% Swim 20% **Communication (+10%)** Act 15% Art 15% Bargain 15% Charm 50% Dance 25% Disguise 15% Fast Talk 15% Intimidate 45% Intrigue 15% Orate 20% Sing 30% Speak (Earthtongue) 20% Speak (Tarshite) 60% Speak (Tradetalk) 20% **Knowledge (+10%)** Animal Lore 15% Battle 20% Celestial Lore 15% Cult Lore (Babeester Gor) 40% Customs (Tarshite) 35% Elder Race Lore (Elves) 15% Evaluate 30% Farm 35% First Aid 30% Game 25% Herd 15% Homeland Lore (Local) 40% Manage Household 20% Mineral Lore 15% Peaceful Cut 20% Plant Lore 15% Read/Write (Old Tarsh) 20% Survival 50% Treat Disease 15% Treat Poison 15% **Magic (+5%)** Meditate 10% Prepare Corpse 15% Spirit Combat 40% Worship (Babeester Gor) 45% **Manipulation (+15%)** Conceal 20% Craft (Arms) 25% Devise 20% Play Instrument 20% Sleight 25% **Perception (+10%)** Insight (Species) 55% Listen 35% Scan 50% Search 75% Track 25% **Stealth (+10%)** Hide 45% Move Quietly 45% **Melee (+15%)** 1H Axe 80% 1H Hammer 25% 1H Mace 55% 1H Spear 30% 2H Axe 40% 2H Hammer 20% 2H Mace 25% 2H Spear 30% Battle Axe 40% Broadsword 35% Dagger 40% Fist 40% Grapple 40% Greatsword 20% Kick 30% Kopis 25% Lance 20% Pike 30% Quarterstaff 30% Rapier 20% Shortsword 25% Whip 20% **Ranged (+15%)** Arbalest 25% Axe, Throwing 35% Composite Bow 30% Crossbows 40% Dagger, Throwing 20% Elf Bow 20% Javelin 35% Pole Lasso 20% Rock 45% Self Bow 20% Sling 20% Staff Sling 25% Throwing Dagger 25% Thrown Axe 25% **Shield (+15%)** Large Shield 40% Medium Shield 45% Small Shield 50% Spirit Magic: Heal (1pts) Ignite (1pts) Befuddle (2pts) Strength (2pts) Bladesharp (1pts) Rune Spells: Axe Trance (1pts) Find Enemy (1pts) Melee Attacks: Small Axe 45% 1D6+1+1D4 SR 8 6/6 HP Light Mace 55% 1D6+2+1D4 SR 7 6/6 HP 1H Battle Axe 80% 1D8+2+1D4 SR 7 8/8 HP Medium Shield 45% 1D4+1D4 SR 7 12/12 HP Ranged Attacks: Composite Bow 30% 1D8+1 SR 2 7/7 HP Rng 100 Thrown Dagger 25% 1D4+1D2 SR 2 6/6 HP Rng 20 Thrown Axe 35% 1D6+1D2 SR 2 6/6 HP Rng 20 Thrown Rock 45% 1D4+1D2 SR 2 20/20 HP Rng 20 Hit Locations: (19-20) - Head Armor: 1 4/4 HP (16-18) - L Arm Armor: 1 3/3 HP (13-15) - R Arm Armor: 1 3/3 HP (12) - Chest Armor: 1 5/5 HP (9-11) - Abdomen Armor: 1 4/4 HP (5-8) - L Leg Armor: 1 4/4 HP (1-4) - R Leg Armor: 1 4/4 HP
** Arim Deerhound ** Runes: Earth Movement Death Homeland: Old Tarsh, Occupation: Refugee, Initiate of Cult: Babeester Gor STR: 11, CON: 11, SIZ: 14, DEX: 13, INT: 17, POW: 15, CHA: 14, Derived Stats: Magic Points: 15, Damage Bonus: +1D4, Hit Points: 12, Movement- Ground: 8, HP: -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Passions: Hate (Lunars) 60%, Love (Family) 60%, Honor (Family) 60%, Loyalty (Clan) 60%, Loyalty (Group) 60%, Loyalty (Shaker Temple) 60%, Devotion (Babeester Gor) 60%, Reputation 5%, Devotion (Earth) 60%, Cults: Babeester Gor - Initiate - Rune Points: 3 Runes: Fire/Sky 20%, Earth 90%, Water 40%, Illusion 50%, Fertility 25%, Beast 40%, Death 75%, Spirit 10%, Stasis 15%, Truth 50%, Harmony 50%, Disorder 50%, Man 60%, Movement 85%, Skills: 1H Axe 80%, Search 75%, Speak (Tarshite) 60%, Insight (Species) 55%, 1H Mace 55%, Survival 50%, Scan 50%, Small Shield 50%, Charm 50%, Move Quietly 45%, Climb 45%, Hide 45%, Medium Shield 45%, Worship (Babeester Gor) 45% Spirit Magic: Heal (1pts), Ignite (1pts), Befuddle (2pts), Strength (2pts), Bladesharp (1pts) Rune Spells: Axe Trance (1pts), Find Enemy (1pts) Attacks: Small Axe 45% 1D6+1+1D4 SR 8 6/6 HP Light Mace 55% 1D6+2+1D4 SR 7 6/6 HP 1H Battle Axe 80% 1D8+2+1D4 SR 7 8/8 HP Medium Shield 45% 1D4+1D4 SR 7 12/12 HP Thrown Axe 35% 1D6+1D2 SR 2 6/6 HP Rng 20 Thrown Rock 45% 1D4+1D2 SR 2 20/20 HP Rng 20 Composite Bow 30% 1D8+1 SR 2 7/7 HP Rng 100 Thrown Dagger 25% 1D4+1D2 SR 2 6/6 HP Rng 20 Hit Locations: (19-20) - Head Armor: 1 4/4 HP (16-18) - L Arm Armor: 1 3/3 HP (13-15) - R Arm Armor: 1 3/3 HP (12) - Chest Armor: 1 5/5 HP (9-11) - Abdomen Armor: 1 4/4 HP (5-8) - L Leg Armor: 1 4/4 HP (1-4) - R Leg Armor: 1 4/4 HP