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--- Хельм --- Runes: Movement Man Earth Type: Non-Player Character Description: Stats: Strength: 11 (55%) Constitution: 12 (60%) Size: 9 (45%) Dexterity: 10 (50%) Intelligence: 12 (60%) Power: 15 (75%) Charisma: 19 (95%) Derived Stats: Damage Bonus: 0 Hit Points: 12 Healing Rate: 2 Magic Points: 15 Spirit Damage: 1D6+3 DEX Strike Rank: 3 SIZ Strike Rank: 2 Movement: Ground: 8 Passions & Reputations: Honor 75% Reputation 6% Love (Грум) 90% Love (Семья) 90% Elemental Runes: Fire/Sky 40% Air 55% Moon 10% Earth 65% Power Runes: Stasis 15% Beast 25% Movement 85% Man 75% Condition Runes: Skills: Scan 40% Sing 75% Kopis 80% 1H Axe 6% Javelin 50% Medium Shield 70% Spirit Combat 60% Spirit Magic: Heal (4pts) Mobility (4pts) Bladesharp (5pts) Protection (6pts) Rune Spells: Shield (1pts) Lightning (1pts) Mist Cloud (1pts) Powers: Lightning (1 Pts): A blast of crackling energy projects from either the hand of or some device held by the caster (a sword, a spear, wand, etc.) towards the target. Each point of Lightning cast causes 1D6 points of damage to a single hit location if the caster overcomes the target with a POW vs. POW resistance roll. No armor protects against this damage, but spells that defend against physical attacks are effective. The Lightning discharge is very bright, very loud, and sets dry, flammable materials on fire. Mist Cloud (1 Pts): This spell creates a bubble of natural-looking mist 2 meters in diameter for every Rune point expended with the spell. Visibility within or through the mist is limited to 1 meter. The cloud can be formed to encircle and thus blind an opponent Shield (1 Pts): This spell protects the wearer from damage. Each point of Shield gives the wearer 2 points of magical armor and 2 points of Countermagic (equivalent to the spirit magic spell). The effects of this spell are cumulative with either Protection or Countermagic. To get past a Shield spell, a spirit or sorcery spell must be at least 1 point stronger than the defense of the shield. This spell does not dissipate when breached. It remains in effect for the full 15-minute duration, or until it is destroyed with Dispel, Neutralize, or Dismiss Magic. If cast on a target already protected by Countermagic, the Countermagic would be Dispelled before the Shield, if possible. Melee Attacks: Kopis 80% 1D8+1 SR 7 12/12 HP Medium Shield 70% 1D4 SR 8 12/12 HP Ranged Attacks: Thrown Javelin 50% 1D10 SR 3 8/8 HP Rng 20 Hit Locations: (19-20) - Head 4/4 HP (16-18) - L Arm 3/3 HP (13-15) - R Arm 3/3 HP (12) - Chest 5/5 HP (9-11) - Abdomen 4/4 HP (5-8) - L Leg 4/4 HP (1-4) - R Leg 4/4 HP
** Хельм ** Runes: Movement Man Earth STR: 11, CON: 12, SIZ: 9, DEX: 10, INT: 12, POW: 15, CHA: 19, Derived Stats: Damage Bonus: 0, Hit Points: 12, Magic Points: 15, Movement- Ground: 8, HP: -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Passions: Honor 75%, Reputation 6%, Love (Грум) 90%, Love (Семья) 90%, Runes: Fire/Sky 40%, Air 55%, Moon 10%, Earth 65%, Movement 85%, Man 75%, Stasis 15%, Beast 25%, Skills: Kopis 80%, Sing 75%, Medium Shield 70%, Spirit Combat 60%, Javelin 50%, Scan 40%, 1H Axe 6% Spirit Magic: Bladesharp (5pts), Protection (6pts), Heal (4pts), Mobility (4pts) Rune Spells: Mist Cloud (1pts), Shield (1pts), Lightning (1pts) Powers: Shield (1 Pts): This spell protects the wearer from damage. Each point of Shield gives the wearer 2 points of magical armor and 2 points of Countermagic (equivalent to the spirit magic spell). The effects of this spell are cumulative with either Protection or Countermagic. To get past a Shield spell, a spirit or sorcery spell must be at least 1 point stronger than the defense of the shield. This spell does not dissipate when breached. It remains in effect for the full 15-minute duration, or until it is destroyed with Dispel, Neutralize, or Dismiss Magic. If cast on a target already protected by Countermagic, the Countermagic would be Dispelled before the Shield, if possible. Lightning (1 Pts): A blast of crackling energy projects from either the hand of or some device held by the caster (a sword, a spear, wand, etc.) towards the target. Each point of Lightning cast causes 1D6 points of damage to a single hit location if the caster overcomes the target with a POW vs. POW resistance roll. No armor protects against this damage, but spells that defend against physical attacks are effective. The Lightning discharge is very bright, very loud, and sets dry, flammable materials on fire. Mist Cloud (1 Pts): This spell creates a bubble of natural-looking mist 2 meters in diameter for every Rune point expended with the spell. Visibility within or through the mist is limited to 1 meter. The cloud can be formed to encircle and thus blind an opponent Attacks: Kopis 80% 1D8+1 SR 7 12/12 HP Medium Shield 70% 1D4 SR 8 12/12 HP Thrown Javelin 50% 1D10 SR 3 8/8 HP Rng 20 Hit Locations: (19-20) - Head 4/4 HP (16-18) - L Arm 3/3 HP (13-15) - R Arm 3/3 HP (12) - Chest 5/5 HP (9-11) - Abdomen 4/4 HP (5-8) - L Leg 4/4 HP (1-4) - R Leg 4/4 HP