Author: Wolfozo
A noble that often faces battle and is used to war
Skill | Bonus |
Battle | +35% |
Dodge | +30% |
Read/Write | +25% |
Customs | +20% |
Homeland Lore | +20% |
Orate | +20% |
Charm | +15% |
Ride | +15% |
Insight | +15% |
Intimidate | +15% |
Intrigue | +10% |
Sense Assassin | +10% |
Rapier | +10% |
Jump | +10% |
Bureacracy | +10% |
Broadsword +35% --- OR ---- 2H Spear +35%
Medium Shield +35% --- OR ---- Large Shield +35%
1H Spear +35% --- OR ---- 2H Axe +35%
Weapon | Bonus |
Melee Weapon | +10% |
Ranged Weapon | +10% |
Shield | +10% |
Cultural Weapon | +10% |
Standard of Living | Noble |
Income | 1200 L |
Ransom | 10000 L |
Equipment |
Average Armor: 5pts |