Noble Warrior


Author: madoverkill

Noble Warriors are the leaders of Warbands in the Tribal lands of Prax, and in the Clanar lands of Sartar and Lunar Tarsh. They are sometimes found in the lands of Old Tarsh as well.

Skill Bonus
Battle +30%
Read/Write +25%
Dodge +30%
Homeland Lore +25%
Manage Household +30%
Orate +25%
Charm +25%
Ride +30%
Insight +25%
Intimidate +20%
Intrigue +20%
Sense Assassin +20%
Speak (Tradetalk) +45%
Rapier +10%
Bureacracy +15%

Skill Choices
Choose between

Broadsword +35% --- OR ---- 2H Spear +35%

Choose between

Medium Shield +35% --- OR ---- Large Shield +35%

Choose between

1H Spear +30% --- OR ---- 2H Axe +30%

Weapons & Combat
Weapon Bonus
Cultural Weapon +20%
Ranged Weapon +10%
Shield +15%
Melee Weapon +20%

Passion Bonus
Loyalty (Clan) +10%
Loyalty (Tribe) +10%
Love (Family) +10%
Honor +10%

Standard of Living Noble
Income 1000 L
Ransom 10000 L

Bronze cuirass (6pts)
Studded Leather Skirts (3pts)
Bronze greaves (6pts)
Bronze Vambraces (6pts)
Closed helmet (5pts)
Cultural Weapons
Two Cultural Riding Animals
Noble Clothing worth (60L)
200 L in coin
450 L in jewelry, vessels and luxury goods
Average Armor: 6pts