Ylisse Dragonewt


Author: Wolfozo

Rune: Dragonewt

The Halidom of Ylisse is rules by Marth and is the easterly neighbor of Hyrule


Statistic Dice Max
STR 3d6 21
CON 3d6 21
SIZ 2d6+6 21
DEX 3d6 21
INT 2d6+6 21
POW 3d6 21
CHA 3d6 21

Hit Locations: Humanoids

Movement Value
Ground 8


Passion Bonus
Devotion (Naga) +10%
Love (Marth And Royals) +10%
Fear (Hyrule) +10%


Skill Base Bonus
Craft 10 +25%
Crossbows 25 +20%
Bureacracy 0 +30%
Read/Write 0 +15%
Medium Shield 15 +10%
Drive 5 +10%
Farm 10 +10%
Customs 0 +35%
2H Spear 15 +10%
Bargain 5 +15%
Self Bow 5 +10%
Ride 5 +20%
Devise 5 +10%
Broadsword 10 +10%
Insight 20 +20%
Track 5 +10%
Pike 15 +10%
Orate 10 +15%
Intrigue 5 +15%

Skill Choices

Choose between

Shortsword +15% --- OR ---- Charm +15%

Choose between

Dodge +15% --- OR ---- Battle +15%

Choose between

Large Shield +15% --- OR ---- Arbalest +15%