Pelanda: Karasal Movement

Official Homeland

Author: Yngve Stolen

Rune: Movement

Karasal has a complex past and is inhabited by several different groups who migrated or invaded throughout the Ages. The Gamatae ancestry of the Lendarshi is still remembered among some of the clans in the area, who have found new outlets for their unsettled habits. The Darsenites of the surrounding Darsen Hills have little trek with outsiders, but the Sun Worshiping Dikorians practice intensive agriculture and are always attempting to seize new lands to grow their plantations. Bordering the Keniryan Sea, the harbor is busy all year, and a focus of all attention of trade, politics, and corruption. Most of the population is semi-sedentiary; living in the urban centers inbetween engagements and travel.


Statistic Dice Max
STR 3d6 21
CON 3d6 21
SIZ 2d6+6 21
DEX 3d6 21
INT 2d6+6 21
POW 3d6 21
CHA 3d6 21

Hit Locations: Humanoids

Movement Value
Ground 8


Passion Bonus
Loyalty (Satrap Or Deneskerva) +10%
Loyalty (Clan) +10%
Devotion (Red Goddess; Emperor; Et.Al) +10%


Skill Base Bonus
Homeland Lore (Karasal) 30 +0%
Customs (Lunar Way) 25 +0%
Speak (New Pelorian) 50 +0%
Ride (Horse) 5 +10%
Insight 20 +10%
1H Spear 5 +15%
Lore (Keniryan Sea) 0 +10%
Cult Lore 5 +5%
Worship 5 +15%
Bargain 5 +10%
Speak (Tradetalk) 0 +15%
Game 15 +0%
Streetwise 5 +0%

Skill Choices

Choose between

Read/Write (New Pelorian) +20% --- OR ---- Sleight +10%

Choose between

Shiphandling +15% --- OR ---- Drive (Cart) +20%

Choose between

Read/Write (Tradetalk) +10% --- OR ---- Javelin +10%