Yanafal Tarnils (oficial) Moon Death Truth

Official Cult


Author: antonio daniel

Yanafal Tarnils was an exiled nobleman from Yuthuppa who still ruled his lands. He later defeated his master, Humakt, in battle and became an immortal New God. His cult resembles Humakt’s in most respects, though it is less narrow-minded. High honor and bravery are upheld by the Yanafal Tarnils soldiery. He is the major war god of the Empire, though there are others that are nearly as popular. PT BR: Yanafal Tarnils era um nobre exilado de Yuthuppa que ainda governava suas terras. Ele mais tarde derrotou seu mestre, Humakt, em batalha e se tornou um Novo Deus imortal. Seu culto assemelha-se ao de Humakt em muitos aspectos, embora seja menos tacanho. Alta honra e bravura são defendidas pela soldadesca Yanafal Tarnils. Ele é o principal deus da guerra do Império, embora existam outros que são quase tão populares.

Rune Spells

Spell Pts
Detect Truth Truth 1
Morale Death Truth 2
Oath Death Truth 2
Shield Magic 1
True Weapon Death 1
Turn Undead Death 1

Spirit Magic

Spell Pts
Bladesharp var
Coordination var
Demoralize 2
Detect Enemies 1
Disruption 1
Fireblade 4
Heal var
Parry var
Protection var
Repair var
Disruption 1
Strength 2
Vigor 2


Skill Bonus
Worship (Yanafal Tarnils) +20%
Meditate +5%
Cult Lore (Yanafal Tarnils) +15%
Battle +10%
Kopis +20%
Meditate +5%
Greatsword +15%

Skill Choices

Choose between

Craft (Bronze) +10% --- OR ---- Craft (Iron) +10%


Passion Bonus
Honor +10%
Loyalty (Red Emperor) +10%

Associated Cults: