She Who Waits


Author: skrapwelder

A small splinter cult of Seven Mothers worship. Comprised mostly of hill tribesmen Lunar Tarsh and the Old Tarsh border.

Rune Spells

Spell Pts
Command Cult Spirit Magic 2
Create Shadow Darkness 1
Dark Walk Darkness Movement 1
Regrow Limb Fertility Movement Moon 2
Summon Darkness Elemental Darkness var
Summon Moon Elemental Moon var

Spirit Magic

Spell Pts
Befuddle 2
Demoralize 2


Skill Bonus
Worship (She Who Waits) +20%
Meditate +5%
Cult Lore (She Who Waits) +15%
Listen +20%
Track +20%
Hide +10%
Insight (Tribals) +15%
Move Quietly +20%
Meditate +10%


Passion Bonus
Loyalty (Temple) +10%
Loyalty (Red Emperor) +10%