Jakaleel Moon Death Darkness

Official Cult | Sub-Cult of Seven Mothers


Author: BlackPrince 1330

Jakaleel was once a shaman-priestess of dark powers in the mountains of Jord. As one of the Seven Mothers, she became the Seeker in Darkness and She Who Dies for Us for the Lunar religion. She is associated with the Crescent-Go Moon.

Rune Spells

Spell Pts
Command 2
Discorporation Magic 1
Dismiss Moon Elemental Moon 1
Summon Moon Elemental Moon var

Spirit Magic

Spell Pts
Befuddle 2
Binding Enchantment 1
Bladesharp var
Bludgeon var
Control var
Coordination var
Countermagic var
Darkwall 2
Demoralize 2
Detect Enemies 1
Detect Life 1
Detect Magic 1
Detect Spirit 1
Detect (Substance) 1
Detect Trap 1
Detect Undead 1
Dispel Magic var
Disruption 1
Distraction 1
Dullblade var
Extinguish var
Fanaticism 1
Farsee var
Firearrow 2
Fireblade 4
Glamour 2
Glue var
Heal var
Ignite 1
Ironhand var
Lantern 1
Light 1
Lightwall 2
Magic Point Enchantment 1
Mobility 1
Multimissile var
Parry var
Protection var
Repair var
Rivereyes 1
Second Sight 3
Shimmer var
Silence 1
Sleep 3
Slow 1
Disruption 1
Speedart 1
Spell Matrix Enchantment 1
Spirit Binding 1
Spirit Screen var
Strength 2
Summon var
Vigor 2
Visibility 2


Skill Bonus
Speak (Spiritspeech) +20%
Spirit Combat +15%
Spirit Lore +10%


Passion Bonus
Loyalty (Witch) +10%