Artmal Moon Man Death


Author: Ele-Miah

Moonson, Father of the Veldang -Doraddi pantheon -Fonritian Pantheon -An Old God -Son of the Blue Moon, Annilla

Rune Spells

Spell Pts
Axis Mundi Magic 1
Ban Magic 1
Ban 1
Binding Enchantment Magic 1
Call Founder Man 6
Command Cult Spirit Magic 2
Dismiss Moon Elemental Moon 1
Enchant Metal 1
Incarnate Ancestor Man 3
Morale Death Truth 2
Shield Magic 1
Summon Ancestor Man 1
Summon Cult Spirit Magic 1
Summon Moon Elemental Moon var
True Weapon Death 1

Spirit Magic

Spell Pts
Befuddle 2
Bladesharp var
Demoralize 2
Detect Enemies 1
Detect Magic 1
Fireblade 4
Glamour 2
Heal var
Mobility 1
Protection var
Repair var
Speedart 1
Strength 2
Vigor 2


Skill Bonus
Worship (Artmal) +20%
Meditate +5%
Cult Lore (Artmal) +15%
Broadsword +10%
Battle +15%
Lore +10%
Spirit Combat +10%
Bureacracy +20%

Skill Choices

Choose between

Meditate +10% --- OR ---- Worship (Artmal) +10%

Choose between

Broadsword +10% --- OR ---- Composite Bow +10%

Choose between

Bureacracy +10% --- OR ---- Manage Household +10%

Weapons & Combat

Any Weapon +10%

Any Weapon +10%

Any Weapon +10%


Passion Bonus
Honor +10%
Love (Family) +10%
Hate (Slavery) +10%