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Skywing the Hippogriff
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--- Skywing the Hippogriff --- Type: Animal Description: Hippoi gryphus An exceedingly rare creature, the hippogriffs are the pure descendants of Hippogriff from before the Great Darkness. They have a horse’s body with the wings and foreclaws of eagles. They roam the high mountains and clouds and only rarely come to earth. The young are tamable if raised from the egg. When they hatch, the prospective master must roll POW+CHA or less on D100 to tame the hippogriff. If successful, the prospective master must make a Ride roll at half chance to break the young hippogriff. If tamed, the creature remains loyal only to its master. If the taming fails, then the hapless rider is carried up into the sky and dropped from a height of 1D10×10 meters. Characteristics Average STR 3D6+18 28-29 CON 2D6+6 13 SIZ 3D6+12 22-23 POW 2D6+6 13 DEX 3D6+6 16-17 Hit Points: 16 Move: 12/12 (Fly) Magic Points: 13 Base SR: 1 Armor: 3-point skin. Skills: Dodge 25%, Fly 75%, Scan 75%. Stats: Strength: 36 (180%) Constitution: 18 (90%) Size: 36 (180%) Dexterity: 24 (120%) Power: 18 (90%) Derived Stats: DEX Strike Rank: 0 SIZ Strike Rank: 0 Damage Bonus: +3D6 Hit Points: 26 Healing Rate: 3 Magic Points: 18 Spirit Damage: 1D6 Movement: Ground: 12 Fly: 12 Passions & Reputations: Reputation 5% Hate (Chaos) 75% Love (Farasin Arvarlsson) 100% Loyalty (Farasin Arvarlsson) 100% Elemental Runes: Power Runes: Condition Runes: Skills: Move Quietly 45% Dodge 25% Listen 55% Hide 45% Scan 75% Claws 55% Sense Chaos 65% Fly 75% Bite 55% Melee Attacks: Bite 55% 1d10+3D6 SR 3 0/0 HP Claws 55% 1d6+3d6+3D6 SR 3 0/0 HP Hit Locations: (19-20) - Head Armor: 3 9/9 HP (17-18) - R Foreleg Armor: 3 9/9 HP (15-16) - L Foreleg Armor: 3 9/9 HP (13-14) - R Wing Armor: 3 8/8 HP (11-12) - L Wing Armor: 3 8/8 HP (10) - Forequarters Armor: 3 10/10 HP (7-9) - Hindquarters Armor: 3 10/10 HP (4-6) - L Hind Leg Armor: 3 9/9 HP (1-3) - R Hind Leg Armor: 3 9/9 HP Equipment: Saddle Saddlebags Lance Sheath w/Lance Tent Large Shield
** Skywing the Hippogriff ** STR: 36, CON: 18, SIZ: 36, DEX: 24, POW: 18, Derived Stats: Damage Bonus: +3D6, Hit Points: 26, Magic Points: 18, Movement- Ground: 12, Fly: 12, HP: -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Passions: Reputation 5%, Hate (Chaos) 75%, Love (Farasin Arvarlsson) 100%, Loyalty (Farasin Arvarlsson) 100%, Runes: Skills: Fly 75%, Scan 75%, Sense Chaos 65%, Listen 55%, Bite 55%, Claws 55%, Move Quietly 45%, Hide 45%, Dodge 25% Attacks: Bite 55% 1d10+3D6 SR 3 0/0 HP Claws 55% 1d6+3d6+3D6 SR 3 0/0 HP Hit Locations: (19-20) - Head Armor: 3 9/9 HP (17-18) - R Foreleg Armor: 3 9/9 HP (15-16) - L Foreleg Armor: 3 9/9 HP (13-14) - R Wing Armor: 3 8/8 HP (11-12) - L Wing Armor: 3 8/8 HP (10) - Forequarters Armor: 3 10/10 HP (7-9) - Hindquarters Armor: 3 10/10 HP (4-6) - L Hind Leg Armor: 3 9/9 HP (1-3) - R Hind Leg Armor: 3 9/9 HP Equipment: Saddle, Saddlebags, Lance Sheath w/Lance, Tent, Large Shield,