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Jota, Godson of Estakos
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--- Jota, Godson of Estakos --- Runes: Beast Air Death Type: Player Character Homeland: Sartar Occupation: Herder Initiate of Cult: Storm Bull Standard of Living: Poor Income: 60 L Ransom: 500 L Description: Your grandparent's history Your grandparent was a(n) hunter from Sartar. Year 1561 Your grandparents were born this year. Year 1582 King Tarkalor and his wife the Feathered Horse Queen went to war with the Lunar Empire to aid the Old Tarshites, aided by Praxian and Esrolian mercenaries and volunteers. The Red Emperor personally led the Lunar Army and when the armies met at the Battle of Grizzly Peak, the Lunar Army swept the field with their vastly superior magicians. Both King Tarkalor and his Queen were killed. Of special note, your parents were born by this year. Your grandparent was not present at the Battle of Grizzly Peak. Years 1583-1590 Slimy Chaos invasion vomited from Snakepipe Hollow. Gain Honor Passion. Year 1597 Lunar assassins killed members of the Sartar royal house in the Holy Country, and many got entangled in the cycles of murder and vengeance. A normal year. Year 1602 The Lunar army invaded the kingdom of Sartar with great success, although at high cost, seizing the supposedly impregnable capital city by force and extinguishing the Flame of Sartar that united the legendary kingdom. Your grandparent participated in the Boldhome Campaign and was devoured by the Crimson Bat. Your grandparent's soul no longer exists. Gain Hate (Chaos) at 70% or Hate (Lunar Empire) at 70% or add +20% to one of those Passions. 1604 is the year of your adventurer's birth, unless you have chosen to be older or younger. Your adventurer will be 21 in 1625, the year this game is set. Your parent's history Your parent was a(n) herder from Sartar. Year 1609 Persistent raiding by the tusk riders rallied their foes, and many lands (Sartar, Tarsh, Trolls) sent their best hunters and warriors to hunt down the raiders. Success was, as usual, questionable. It was a normal year for your parent. Gain +10% in one of a herder's occupational skills. Year 1611 The Righteous Wind was a revolt that began in 1606 among the Aldachuri. By 1611, they took up arms against their opponents whom they described as the Moon Storm. Harvar smashed them with Gagarthi thanes and became the leader of the Aldachuri. Your parent survived the Righteous Wind Rebellion. Year 1613 Outraged by the Lunar presence and urged on by social unrest, the Sartarites rebelled in strength and temporarily expelled the Lunar army. The Lunars regrouped, and under the leadership of General Fazzur Wideread soundly defeated the rebels. The Red Emperor appointed Fazzur Wideread the Governor-General of Dragon Pass. Your parent died of an illness. Your History An adventurer aged 21 in 1625 would have come of age in 1622. Year 1622 The Red Emperor appointed Tatius the Bright as the Lunar governor-general of Dragon Pass, replacing Fazzur Wideread. King Broyan reemerged and his Hendriking tribe rose in rebellion, joined by many volunteers. Hordes of scorpion men emerged from Larnste's Footprint, serving the Chaos demigoddess called the Queen of Jab. The Great Winter continued until the Battle of the Auroch Hills when Broyan's rebel army ambushed and defeated the Lunar army by partially reviving Orlanth and Ernalda. The pro-Lunar queen of Esrolia was overthrown in a coup d'ĂȘtat and civil war erupted there. You survived the second year of the Great Winter. Year 1623 The new Esrolian queen gained a new ally when King Broyan and his ragged army of volunteers arrived and defeated the Grazeland Horse Army (the Feathered Horse Queen was killed soon after by her own bodyguards). The Lunar Army arrived in Esrolia and besieged Queen Samastina and King Broyan in Nochet. In the north, a gigantic swarm of trolls, trollkin, insects, and darkness creatures crossed Dragon Pass en route to the Castle of Lead. You were severely wounded by Earth magic during the Siege of Nochet. Gain Hate (Esrolia). Year 1624 A new planet (called the Boat Planet) appeared in the Sky, prophesizing doom and change. Harrek the Berserk and his Wolf Pirates arrived in the Holy Country after circumnavigating the world. They allied with Queen Samastina and King Broyan and routed the Lunar Army at the Battle of Pennel Ford. During the battle, Orlanth was freed from the Underworld and the constellation called Orlanth's Ring appeared with additional stars and quickly rose to the top of the sky. After the battle, Harrek's companion Argrath, a Sartarite from New Pavis, travelled with a small group of followers to the border of Sartar and Prax and summoned the Praxian demigod Jaldon Goldentooth to recognize him as the White Bull. That winter, Harrek and Broyan sacked the City of Wonders. That same winter, Humakti killed the Lunar client, King Temertain of Boldhome. A normal year. Year 1625 The current year. With the White Bull Society behind him, Argrath liberated Pavis from the Lunar Empire and was proclaimed King of Pavis. Argrath led his Praxian allies to Dragon Pass but was defeated by Lunar sorcery and retreated to Pavis. At the same time, King Broyan was killed by Lunar sorcery. The Lunar Empire gathered thousands of magicians, priests, and nobles to consecrate the new Temple of the Reaching Moon and extend the Lunar Glowline over all of Dragon Pass. A group of Sartarite hero questers led by Kallyr Starbrow invaded the Lunar ceremony and summoned a True Dragon beneath the temple. The dragon devoured the temple and the attendees; in minutes, most of the military and magical might of the Lunar Empire in the Provinces was annihilated. The True Dragon then rose into the sky, revealing its impossible size - it was several kilometres long. It flew up high into the Middle Air towards the Red Moon. Millions of observers across Genertela witnessed the event; those in Peloria, Ralios, Kralorela, and the far West saw a "dragon-shaped cloud" obscure the Red Moon. Those closer saw and heard far more. Across Dragon Pass, ancient draconic powers and thoughts quiescent since the Empire of Wyrms Friends were awakened. In the Lunar capital of Glamour, the Red Emperor sacrificed much of his magic and power to drive the dragon back. The True Dragon spiralled around Dragon Pass circled Mount Kero Fin and then returned to the huge crevice it had made where once stood the New Lunar Temple. Kallyr Starbrow marched on Boldhome and proclaimed herself Prince of Sartar. A Lunar Tarsh army led by General Fazzur Wideread indecisively fought the Free Sartar Army. The Lunar Tarsh army retreated after Fazzur learned that King Pharandros (the King of Tarsh and Fazzur's nephew) had murdered many of Fazzur's kin and supporters while the mighty general was away campaigning. General Fazzur returned to Dunstop and gathered allies. In Old Tarsh, the Shaker Priestess appointed a new King of Wintertop, rather than allow Fazzur's son Onjur to become king. You witnessed the Dragonrise and survived. Gain Fear (Dragons). You fought in the Liberation of Sartar and survived. Gain Battle +5%. Orphaned in 1613, Estakos, a family friend and your godfather, raised you as a fellow herder. You care about him and he has been a father figure and friend for years. Stats: Strength: 17 (85%) Constitution: 16 (80%) Size: 15 (75%) Dexterity: 13 (65%) Intelligence: 17 (85%) Power: 13 (65%) Charisma: 9 (45%) Derived Stats: Magic Points: 13 Spirit Damage: 1D6 DEX Strike Rank: 2 SIZ Strike Rank: 1 Damage Bonus: +1D4 Hit Points: 17 Healing Rate: 3 Movement: Ground: 8 Passions & Reputations: Hate (Esrolia) 60% Devotion (Storm Bull) 60% Reputation 5% Love (Family) 70% Fear (Dragons) 60% Loyalty (Tribe) 60% Honor 60% Hate (Lunar) 70% Loyalty (Clan) 60% **Cults: Storm Bull - Initiate - Rune Points: 3 Elemental Runes: Fire/Sky 20% Air 90% Earth 40% Power Runes: Death 85% Disorder 50% Illusion 50% Fertility 15% Harmony 50% Movement 50% Beast 95% Man 5% Truth 50% Stasis 50% Condition Runes: Skills: **Agility (+10%)** Boat 15% Climb 70% Dodge 36% Drive (Chariot) 15% Jump 69% Ride (Horse) 15% Ride (Horse) 20% Swim 25% **Communication (+5%)** Act 10% Art 10% Bargain 10% Charm 20% Dance 20% Disguise 10% Fast Talk 10% Intimidate 30% Intrigue 10% Orate 15% Sing 35% Speak (Heortling) 0% Speak (Heortling) 55% Speak (Tradetalk) 15% **Knowledge (+10%)** Alchemy 0% Animal Lore 60% Battle 20% Bureacracy 0% Celestial Lore 15% Cult Lore (Orlanth) 0% Cult Lore (Storm Bull) 25% Customs (Heortling) 0% Customs (Heortling) 35% Elder Race Lore (Elves) 15% Evaluate 20% Farm 40% First Aid 30% Game 25% Herd 65% Homeland Lore (Local) 40% Library Use 0% Lore (Local) 0% Lore (Local) 20% Manage Household 20% Mineral Lore 15% Peaceful Cut 60% Plant Lore 15% Read/Write (Old Tarsh) 0% Shiphandling 0% Survival 25% Treat Disease 15% Treat Poison 15% **Magic (+5%)** Meditate 25% Prepare Corpse 15% Sense Assassin 0% Sense Chaos 45% Sorcery (Spell) 0% Spirit Combat 40% Spirit Dance 0% Spirit Lore 0% Spirit Travel 0% Understand Herd Beast 0% Worship (Orlanth) 0% Worship (Storm Bull) 25% **Manipulation (+20%)** Conceal 25% Craft (Arms) 30% Devise 25% Play Instrument 25% Sleight 30% **Perception (+10%)** Insight (Species) 30% Listen 35% Scan 70% Search 35% Track 25% **Stealth (+10%)** Hide 20% Move Quietly 20% **Melee (+20%)** 1H Axe 30% 1H Hammer 30% 1H Mace 35% 1H Spear 35% 2H Axe 25% 2H Hammer 25% 2H Mace 30% 2H Spear 35% Battle Axe 40% Broadsword 45% Dagger 45% Fist 45% Grapple 45% Greatsword 25% Kick 35% Kopis 30% Lance 25% Pike 35% Quarterstaff 85% Rapier 25% Shortsword 30% Whip 25% **Ranged (+20%)** Arbalest 30% Axe, Throwing 30% Composite Bow 25% Crossbows 45% Dagger, Throwing 25% Elf Bow 25% Javelin 40% Pole Lasso 25% Rock 35% Self Bow 25% Sling 90% Staff Sling 30% Throwing Dagger 30% Thrown Axe 30% **Shield (+20%)** Large Shield 45% Medium Shield 50% Small Shield 45% Spirit Magic: Speedart (1pts) Detect Enemies (1pts) Heal (2pts) Farsee (1pts) Bludgeon (1pts) Rune Spells: Face Chaos (1pts) Summon Air Elemental (1pts) Dismiss Air Elemental (1pts) Melee Attacks: Quarterstaff 85% 1D8+1D4 SR 3 8/8 HP Medium Shield 50% 1D4+1D4 SR 6 12/12 HP Kopis 45% 1D8+1+1D4 SR 5 12/12 HP Dagger 45% 1D4+2+1D4 SR 7 6/6 HP Ranged Attacks: Sling 90% 1D8 SR 2 80/80 HP Rng 80 Thrown Dagger 25% 1D4+1D2 SR 2 6/6 HP Rng 20 Hit Locations: (19-20) - Head 6/6 HP (16-18) - L Arm 5/5 HP (13-15) - R Arm 5/5 HP (12) - Chest 7/7 HP (9-11) - Abdomen 6/6 HP (5-8) - L Leg 6/6 HP (1-4) - R Leg 6/6 HP Equipment: Cultural Weapons Herd animals worth 120 L Staff Herding animal
** Jota, Godson of Estakos ** Runes: Beast Air Death Homeland: Sartar, Occupation: Herder, Initiate of Cult: Storm Bull STR: 17, CON: 16, SIZ: 15, DEX: 13, INT: 17, POW: 13, CHA: 9, Derived Stats: Damage Bonus: +1D4, Hit Points: 17, Magic Points: 13, Movement- Ground: 8, HP: -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Passions: Reputation 5%, Love (Family) 70%, Fear (Dragons) 60%, Hate (Esrolia) 60%, Devotion (Storm Bull) 60%, Honor 60%, Hate (Lunar) 70%, Loyalty (Clan) 60%, Loyalty (Tribe) 60%, Cults: Storm Bull - Initiate - Rune Points: 3 Runes: Earth 40%, Fire/Sky 20%, Air 90%, Death 85%, Disorder 50%, Illusion 50%, Fertility 15%, Harmony 50%, Movement 50%, Beast 95%, Man 5%, Truth 50%, Stasis 50%, Skills: Sling 90%, Quarterstaff 85%, Scan 70%, Climb 70%, Jump 69%, Herd 65%, Animal Lore 60%, Peaceful Cut 60%, Speak (Heortling) 55%, Medium Shield 50%, Grapple 45%, Crossbows 45%, Broadsword 45%, Fist 45% Spirit Magic: Detect Enemies (1pts), Heal (2pts), Farsee (1pts), Bludgeon (1pts), Speedart (1pts) Rune Spells: Face Chaos (1pts), Summon Air Elemental (1pts), Dismiss Air Elemental (1pts) Attacks: Quarterstaff 85% 1D8+1D4 SR 3 8/8 HP Medium Shield 50% 1D4+1D4 SR 6 12/12 HP Kopis 45% 1D8+1+1D4 SR 5 12/12 HP Dagger 45% 1D4+2+1D4 SR 7 6/6 HP Sling 90% 1D8 SR 2 80/80 HP Rng 80 Thrown Dagger 25% 1D4+1D2 SR 2 6/6 HP Rng 20 Hit Locations: (19-20) - Head 6/6 HP (16-18) - L Arm 5/5 HP (13-15) - R Arm 5/5 HP (12) - Chest 7/7 HP (9-11) - Abdomen 6/6 HP (5-8) - L Leg 6/6 HP (1-4) - R Leg 6/6 HP Equipment: Cultural Weapons, Herd animals worth 120 L, Staff, Herding animal,