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Yeressa Pure Crimson bat Driver High priest
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--- Yeressa Pure Crimson bat Driver High priest --- Runes: Moon Death Harmony Type: Player Character Homeland: Lunar Tarsh Occupation: Heavy Infantry Rune Lord of Cult: Crimson Bat Standard of Living: Free Income: 60 L Ransom: 500 L Description: Yeressa Pure is Regretful and Shrewd. She is a Epic adventurer. (She/Her) she have 3 more rune spell: Bat Wings 1 point 15 minutes, touch, reusable, non-stackable, This spell works only on Initiates and Rune Masters of the cult of the Crimson Bat. It causes a pair of large bat wings to grow out of the back of its subject. These crimson wings enable their possessor to fly at a movement rate of 12 for the duration of the spell. The wings are, for all purposes, part of their possessor’s body. They have 3 point armor skin, and they take the same number of hit points as their possessor’s arms. Use the Wind Children hit location table. Although physical damage does disable the wings, any damage they sustain does not come off the character’s total hit points. Fangs 1 point 15 minutes, touch, reusable, non-stackable This spell works only on Initiates and Rune Masters of the Crimson Bat. It causes the growth of huge red fangs from the mouth of its subject. Attacking with these fangs, the user has a base chance of 50% (p1 us any attack bonus) to hit, and does base damage of 2D6 (plus any damage bonus). Furthermore, the fangs secrete an acid of potency equalling their user’s CON, but to which the user is immune while the spell lasts. Power Drain 2 point 15 minutes, touch, reusable, non-stackable With this spell the caster has the same ability to drain Power as does a vampire. His touch will reach through an opponent’s armor, attacking him POW vs. POW in the same fashion as a ghost. Unlike a vampire, the priest can not keep the Power; it flows through him directly to the Crimson Bat. Glow Spot 3 point 15 minutes, 20m, reusable, non-stackable, This spell causes the subject to act as a Glowspot with a radius of 20 meters. Inside that area all Lunar magic functions as it does on the day of the full moon. For this effect to work on targeted spells, both the caster and target must be within the Stats: Strength: 13 (65%) Constitution: 12 (60%) Size: 14 (70%) Dexterity: 16 (80%) Intelligence: 18 (90%) Power: 42 (210%) Charisma: 16 (80%) Derived Stats: Spirit Damage: 3D6+4 DEX Strike Rank: 1 SIZ Strike Rank: 2 Damage Bonus: +1D4 Hit Points: 21 Healing Rate: 2 Magic Points: 42 Movement: Ground: 8 Passions & Reputations: Love (Family) 60% Loyalty (Clan) 60% Loyalty (Unit) 60% Loyalty (Shaker Temple) 60% Reputation 31% **Cults: Crimson Bat - Rune Lord - Rune Points: 18 Elemental Runes: Moon 100% Darkness 60% Power Runes: Harmony 95% Death 95% Condition Runes: Skills: **Agility (+40%)** Boat 45% Climb 105% Dodge 78% Drive (Chariot) 45% Jump 122% Ride (Horse) 45% Swim 55% **Communication (+45%)** Act 50% Art 50% Bargain 50% Charm 60% Dance 60% Disguise 50% Fast Talk 60% Intimidate 60% Intrigue 55% Orate 55% Sing 65% Speak (New Pelorian) 105% Speak (Tarshite) 65% Speak (Tradetalk) 55% **Knowledge (+45%)** Animal Lore 50% Battle 125% Celestial Lore 55% Cult Lore (Crimson Bat) 80% Cult Lore (Orlanth) 70% Customs (Lunar Provincial) 70% Elder Race Lore (Elves) 50% Evaluate 55% Farm 80% First Aid 80% Game 60% Herd 90% Homeland Lore (Local) 100% Manage Household 55% Mineral Lore 50% Peaceful Cut 55% Plant Lore 50% Survival 60% Treat Disease 50% Treat Poison 50% **Magic (+40%)** Meditate 60% Prepare Corpse 50% Spirit Combat 100% Worship (Crimson Bat) 60% **Manipulation (+50%)** Conceal 55% Craft (Arms) 60% Devise 55% Play Instrument 55% Sleight 60% **Perception (+45%)** Insight (Species) 65% Listen 120% Scan 105% Search 80% Track 50% **Stealth (-25%)** **Melee (+50%)** 1H Axe 60% 1H Hammer 60% 1H Mace 65% 1H Spear 125% 2H Axe 65% 2H Hammer 55% 2H Mace 60% 2H Spear 65% Battle Axe 100% Broadsword 60% Dagger 85% Fist 115% Grapple 100% Greatsword 55% Kick 65% Kopis 105% Lance 55% Pike 65% Quarterstaff 65% Rapier 55% Shortsword 60% Whip 55% **Ranged (+50%)** Arbalest 60% Axe, Throwing 60% Composite Bow 65% Crossbows 85% Dagger, Throwing 55% Elf Bow 55% Javelin 95% Pole Lasso 55% Rock 65% Self Bow 55% Sling 55% Staff Sling 60% Throwing Dagger 60% Thrown Axe 60% **Shield (+50%)** Large Shield 80% Medium Shield 140% Small Shield 65% Spirit Magic: Shimmer (6pts) Befuddle (2pts) Disruption (1pts) Visibility (2pts) Detect Life (1pts) Rune Spells: MultiSpell (1pts) Dismiss Magic (1pts) Discorporation (1pts) Shield (1pts) Absorption (1pts) Chaos Gift (2pts) Dismiss Earth Elemental (1pts) Dismiss Darkness Elemental (1pts) Warding (1pts) Mindblast (2pts) Melee Attacks: Medium Shield 140% 1D4+1D4 SR 6 12/12 HP 1H Short Spear 125% 1D6+1+1D4 SR 5 10/10 HP Ranged Attacks: Thrown Javelin 95% 1D10+1D2 SR 1 8/8 HP Rng 20 Hit Locations: (19-20) - Head Armor: 29 7/7 HP (16-18) - L Arm Armor: 29 6/6 HP (13-15) - R Arm Armor: 29 6/6 HP (12) - Chest Armor: 29 8/8 HP (9-11) - Abdomen Armor: 29 7/7 HP (5-8) - L Leg Armor: 29 7/7 HP (1-4) - R Leg Armor: 29 7/7 HP Equipment: Heavy scale hauberk or disk plate cuirass (5pts) Studded leather skirt (3pts) Plate greaves & vambraces (6pts) Closed helmet (5pts) Appropriate weapons 1D3 distinctive scars Sleeping roll Good clothing 20 L in coins War booty worth 2xD100 L
** Yeressa Pure Crimson bat Driver High priest ** Runes: Moon Death Harmony Homeland: Lunar Tarsh, Occupation: Heavy Infantry, Rune Lord of Cult: Crimson Bat STR: 13, CON: 12, SIZ: 14, DEX: 16, INT: 18, POW: 42, CHA: 16, Derived Stats: Damage Bonus: +1D4, Hit Points: 21, Magic Points: 42, Movement- Ground: 8, HP: -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Passions: Loyalty (Shaker Temple) 60%, Reputation 31%, Love (Family) 60%, Loyalty (Clan) 60%, Loyalty (Unit) 60%, Cults: Crimson Bat - Rune Lord - Rune Points: 18 Runes: Moon 100%, Darkness 60%, Death 95%, Harmony 95%, Skills: Medium Shield 140%, Battle 125%, 1H Spear 125%, Jump 122%, Listen 120%, Fist 115%, Climb 105%, Kopis 105%, Speak (New Pelorian) 105%, Scan 105%, Spirit Combat 100%, Homeland Lore (Local) 100%, Grapple 100%, Battle Axe 100% Spirit Magic: Befuddle (2pts), Disruption (1pts), Visibility (2pts), Detect Life (1pts), Shimmer (6pts) Rune Spells: Chaos Gift (2pts), Dismiss Earth Elemental (1pts), Dismiss Darkness Elemental (1pts), Warding (1pts), Mindblast (2pts), MultiSpell (1pts), Dismiss Magic (1pts), Discorporation (1pts), Shield (1pts), Absorption (1pts) Attacks: Medium Shield 140% 1D4+1D4 SR 6 12/12 HP 1H Short Spear 125% 1D6+1+1D4 SR 5 10/10 HP Thrown Javelin 95% 1D10+1D2 SR 1 8/8 HP Rng 20 Hit Locations: (19-20) - Head Armor: 29 7/7 HP (16-18) - L Arm Armor: 29 6/6 HP (13-15) - R Arm Armor: 29 6/6 HP (12) - Chest Armor: 29 8/8 HP (9-11) - Abdomen Armor: 29 7/7 HP (5-8) - L Leg Armor: 29 7/7 HP (1-4) - R Leg Armor: 29 7/7 HP Equipment: Heavy scale hauberk or disk plate cuirass (5pts), Studded leather skirt (3pts), Plate greaves & vambraces (6pts), Closed helmet (5pts), Appropriate weapons, 1D3 distinctive scars, Sleeping roll, Good clothing, 20 L in coins, War booty worth 2xD100 L,