The Cradle of Heroes
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--- Багог --- Runes: Beast Chaos Disorder Type: Chaos Description: Stats: Strength: 17 (85%) Constitution: 18 (90%) Size: 20 (100%) Dexterity: 9 (45%) Intelligence: 14 (70%) Power: 12 (60%) Charisma: 9 (45%) Derived Stats: Hit Points: 20 Healing Rate: 3 Magic Points: 12 Spirit Damage: 1D6 DEX Strike Rank: 3 SIZ Strike Rank: 1 Damage Bonus: +1D6 Movement: Ground: 8 Passions & Reputations: Reputation 5% Hate (Life) 85% Devotion (Thed) 90% Loyalty (Lunar Empire) 60% Elemental Runes: Moon 65% Power Runes: Movement 70% Beast 90% Disorder 75% Chaos 80% Spirit 65% Condition Runes: Skills: Kopis 90% 1H Axe 70% Battle 40% Listen 92% Self Bow 70% Broadsword 120% Broadsword (Left) 90% Dodge 34% Powers: Crack (2 Points): This spell must be cast at a non-living, non-magical object, including a piece of armor, a weapon, or a shield. If successful, it causes the item to crack and break into many pieces. If a spirit lives in the item, the caster’s POW must overcome the POW of the spirit for the spell to work. The spell has no effect on spell matrices, crystals, or on elf bows of magical nature. It will shatter a weapon with spirit magic or sorcery cast on it. This spell is stackable, in which case more than one item on the prospective victim may be shattered at once. If the spell is cast on an object with Rune magic such as Truesword or Crush on it, then the Crack takes effect only if it has enough Rune points in it equal to or greater than those placed in the other Rune spell. Objects carried by a character protected by Shield or Countermagic may be destroyed only if the Crack’s caster puts enough magic points behind the spell to break through the defending spell. A Repair spell will fix a broken object. Fumble (1 Point): This spell is targeted against an opponent. If the target fails to resist a POW vs. POW attack by the caster, then the victim rolls on the Fumble table (see page 205 of the RuneQuest rules). The caster may stack this spell, in which case each additional point causes the victim to have to roll on the Fumble table for one more consecutive round. A 3-point spell would, for instance, cause the victim to fumble for three consecutive melee rounds. Chaos Feature (3 Points): At the instant that the caster sacrifices Rune Points for the functioning of this spell, the sacrificer is marked with the Touch of Chaos: gaining a permanent Chaotic feature and gaining the Chaos Rune at 60%. A successful cast means that the target must roll any die. An odd number means that the Chaotic feature is rolled on the Curse of Thed table. An even roll means that the Chaotic feature is rolled on the standard Chaotic Features table. Each Chaotic feature taken increases the caster’s Chaos Rune by 20% and results in a cumulative 10% of the caster permanently changing into a broo. This transformation may not be resisted or altered and is permanent once it takes effect. The probability for the transformation must be rolled immediately upon the assumption of another Chaotic feature. Curse Of Thed (2 Points): This spell is aimed against a single victim, who receives a chance to resist. If they successfully resist the spell, there is no effect. If the victim fails to resist, they must roll on the Curse of Thed table and suffer the effects. Thed receives this spell because of her peculiar position as inside-out Chaos. This spell may also be used non-reusably, in which case the spell is treated as a one-use spell. In this form, it may only be cast upon a creature of Chaos, or a creature tainted with Chaos in some way. The creature gets a chance to resist, but if it fails, then the spell’s effects are permanent. In this form, the spell is known as the Curse of Thed. Note: Some effects are marked with a *, victims of these effects may attempt to resist (on the resistance table) the initial casting of this effect. If successful, the spell has no further effect on the victim. If the victim fails, they may not resist any subsequent effect of that curse. If a victim’s characteristic is reduced to 0 or less by this spell, treat it as a 1. The effects that cause damage in a random location may not bring the victim’s hit points below 0 in any one area. This spell can be cast as a non-reusable spell on beings of Chaos, in which case the effects of the spell (if they have a duration) are permanent Melee Attacks: Head Butt (Minotaur) 70% 1D6+1D6 SR 8 0/0 HP Kopis 90% 1D8+1+1D6 SR 6 12/12 HP Broadsword 120% 1D8+1+1D6 SR 6 12/12 HP Hit Locations: (19-20) - Head Armor: 3 7/7 HP (16-18) - L Arm Armor: 4 6/6 HP (13-15) - R Arm Armor: 4 6/6 HP (12) - Chest Armor: 3 8/8 HP (9-11) - Abdomen Armor: 3 7/7 HP (5-8) - L Leg Armor: 5 7/7 HP (1-4) - R Leg Armor: 5 7/7 HP
** Багог ** Runes: Beast Chaos Disorder STR: 17, CON: 18, SIZ: 20, DEX: 9, INT: 14, POW: 12, CHA: 9, Derived Stats: Damage Bonus: +1D6, Hit Points: 20, Magic Points: 12, Movement- Ground: 8, HP: -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Passions: Devotion (Thed) 90%, Loyalty (Lunar Empire) 60%, Reputation 5%, Hate (Life) 85%, Runes: Moon 65%, Movement 70%, Disorder 75%, Beast 90%, Chaos 80%, Spirit 65%, Skills: Broadsword 120%, Listen 92%, Broadsword (Left) 90%, Kopis 90%, 1H Axe 70%, Self Bow 70%, Battle 40%, Dodge 34% Powers: Crack (2 Points): This spell must be cast at a non-living, non-magical object, including a piece of armor, a weapon, or a shield. If successful, it causes the item to crack and break into many pieces. If a spirit lives in the item, the caster’s POW must overcome the POW of the spirit for the spell to work. The spell has no effect on spell matrices, crystals, or on elf bows of magical nature. It will shatter a weapon with spirit magic or sorcery cast on it. This spell is stackable, in which case more than one item on the prospective victim may be shattered at once. If the spell is cast on an object with Rune magic such as Truesword or Crush on it, then the Crack takes effect only if it has enough Rune points in it equal to or greater than those placed in the other Rune spell. Objects carried by a character protected by Shield or Countermagic may be destroyed only if the Crack’s caster puts enough magic points behind the spell to break through the defending spell. A Repair spell will fix a broken object. Fumble (1 Point): This spell is targeted against an opponent. If the target fails to resist a POW vs. POW attack by the caster, then the victim rolls on the Fumble table (see page 205 of the RuneQuest rules). The caster may stack this spell, in which case each additional point causes the victim to have to roll on the Fumble table for one more consecutive round. A 3-point spell would, for instance, cause the victim to fumble for three consecutive melee rounds. Chaos Feature (3 Points): At the instant that the caster sacrifices Rune Points for the functioning of this spell, the sacrificer is marked with the Touch of Chaos: gaining a permanent Chaotic feature and gaining the Chaos Rune at 60%. A successful cast means that the target must roll any die. An odd number means that the Chaotic feature is rolled on the Curse of Thed table. An even roll means that the Chaotic feature is rolled on the standard Chaotic Features table. Each Chaotic feature taken increases the caster’s Chaos Rune by 20% and results in a cumulative 10% of the caster permanently changing into a broo. This transformation may not be resisted or altered and is permanent once it takes effect. The probability for the transformation must be rolled immediately upon the assumption of another Chaotic feature. Curse Of Thed (2 Points): This spell is aimed against a single victim, who receives a chance to resist. If they successfully resist the spell, there is no effect. If the victim fails to resist, they must roll on the Curse of Thed table and suffer the effects. Thed receives this spell because of her peculiar position as inside-out Chaos. This spell may also be used non-reusably, in which case the spell is treated as a one-use spell. In this form, it may only be cast upon a creature of Chaos, or a creature tainted with Chaos in some way. The creature gets a chance to resist, but if it fails, then the spell’s effects are permanent. In this form, the spell is known as the Curse of Thed. Note: Some effects are marked with a *, victims of these effects may attempt to resist (on the resistance table) the initial casting of this effect. If successful, the spell has no further effect on the victim. If the victim fails, they may not resist any subsequent effect of that curse. If a victim’s characteristic is reduced to 0 or less by this spell, treat it as a 1. The effects that cause damage in a random location may not bring the victim’s hit points below 0 in any one area. This spell can be cast as a non-reusable spell on beings of Chaos, in which case the effects of the spell (if they have a duration) are permanent Attacks: Broadsword 120% 1D8+1+1D6 SR 6 12/12 HP Head Butt (Minotaur) 70% 1D6+1D6 SR 8 0/0 HP Kopis 90% 1D8+1+1D6 SR 6 12/12 HP Hit Locations: (19-20) - Head Armor: 3 7/7 HP (16-18) - L Arm Armor: 4 6/6 HP (13-15) - R Arm Armor: 4 6/6 HP (12) - Chest Armor: 3 8/8 HP (9-11) - Abdomen Armor: 3 7/7 HP (5-8) - L Leg Armor: 5 7/7 HP (1-4) - R Leg Armor: 5 7/7 HP