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Nazhuret Talvalin
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--- Nazhuret Talvalin --- Runes: Movement Man Air Type: Player Character Homeland: Esrolia Occupation: Heavy Cavalry Initiate of Cult: Orlanth Adventurous Standard of Living: Free Income: 60 L Ransom: 500 L Description: A tall striking young man standing at 6'1 A powerful physique and good reflexes. Dark brown hair and brown eyes. He was born in Nochet in the holy country in 1603. He was born in a time of war and invasion from outsiders like the Lunar Empire. His Grandmother Kira Talvalin and her husband were at the battle of Grizzly peak. Her husband Nestor perished, but she survived and later remarried. Her new Husband; Hasdrubal, and she would be present at the battle of Building Wall. But she had seen enough conflict and retired to take care of her household. Nazhuret's father would see his share of conflict as a soldier of the Kimantorings. His final days as a soldier was manning the walls of Nochet during the Solanthi invasion of 1618. When Nazhuret came of age, he too stepped into the ranks of the Kimantorings as a heavy cavalryman and soldier. In three short years he would see more conflict and war than his father and grand parents. He was involved in the over throw of Queen Hendira, fighting in the Auroch hills and later the battle of Pennel Ford were he fought with great honour and courage. A captain at 21 he went with his king and the pirate king to sack the city of wonders, were he obtained as booty an ingot of iron. Unlike his family he found he liked the life of a soldier, he took on with a mercenary company, and during a great uprising against the hated lunars, he would see a Dragon take flight and destroy the enemy. He saw the Shaker priests appoint and new king and saw Argrath crowned and the Lunars defeated. He returned home to Nochet with much booty, but the call of battle and adventure, sees him leave for new ventures Stats: Strength: 19 (95%) Constitution: 16 (80%) Size: 15 (75%) Dexterity: 14 (70%) Intelligence: 17 (85%) Power: 12 (60%) Charisma: 16 (80%) Derived Stats: Hit Points: 17 Healing Rate: 3 Magic Points: 12 Spirit Damage: 1D6+1 DEX Strike Rank: 2 SIZ Strike Rank: 1 Damage Bonus: +1D6 Movement: Ground: 8 Ground: 8 Ground: 8 Ground: 8 Passions & Reputations: Loyalty (City) 60% Devotion (Orlanth) 70% Loyalty (Esrolia) 60% Loyalty (Holy Country) 70% Honor 70% Reputation 30% Love (Family) 100% Loyalty (Clan) 100% Loyalty (Tribe) 60% **Cults: Orlanth Adventurous - Initiate - Rune Points: 3 Elemental Runes: Water 50% Air 70% Earth 50% Power Runes: Stasis 25% Disorder 50% Man 75% Death 50% Illusion 50% Beast 25% Truth 50% Harmony 50% Movement 75% Fertility 50% Condition Runes: Skills: **Agility (+10%)** Boat 15% Climb 50% Dodge 63% Drive (Chariot) 15% Jump 52% Ride (Horse) 15% Ride (Horse) 15% Swim 25% **Communication (+10%)** Act 15% Art 15% Bargain 20% Charm 25% Dance 30% Disguise 15% Fast Talk 15% Intimidate 25% Intrigue 20% Orate 50% Sing 40% Speak (Esrolian) 60% Speak (Stormspeech) 30% Speak (Tradetalk) 55% **Knowledge (+10%)** Animal Lore 15% Battle 80% Celestial Lore 15% Customs (Esrolian) 35% Elder Race Lore (Elves) 15% Evaluate 20% Farm 45% First Aid 45% Game 25% Herd 15% Homeland Lore (Local) 40% Manage Household 20% Mineral Lore 15% Peaceful Cut 20% Plant Lore 15% Survival 25% Treat Disease 15% Treat Poison 15% **Magic (+0%)** Meditate 10% Prepare Corpse 10% Spirit Combat 40% **Manipulation (+20%)** Conceal 25% Craft (Arms) 30% Devise 25% Play Instrument 25% Sleight 30% **Perception (+10%)** Insight (Species) 30% Listen 55% Scan 70% Search 60% Track 15% **Stealth (+10%)** Hide 20% Move Quietly 20% **Melee (+20%)** 1H Axe 30% 1H Hammer 30% 1H Mace 35% 1H Spear 60% 2H Axe 25% 2H Hammer 25% 2H Mace 30% 2H Spear 35% Battle Axe 80% Broadsword 30% Dagger 35% Fist 45% Grapple 45% Greatsword 25% Kick 35% Kopis 30% Lance 25% Pike 35% Quarterstaff 35% Rapier 65% Shortsword 30% Whip 25% **Ranged (+20%)** Arbalest 30% Axe, Throwing 55% Composite Bow 25% Crossbows 45% Dagger, Throwing 25% Elf Bow 25% Javelin 30% Pole Lasso 25% Rock 35% Self Bow 65% Sling 25% Staff Sling 30% Throwing Dagger 30% Thrown Axe 40% **Shield (+20%)** Large Shield 45% Medium Shield 50% Small Shield 60% Spirit Magic: Heal (2pts) Mobility (0pts) Protection (2pts) Rune Spells: Shield (1pts) Dark Walk (1pts) Lightning (1pts) Melee Attacks: Small Shield 60% 1D3+1D6 SR 6 8/8 HP 1H Battle Axe 80% 1D8+2+1D6 SR 6 8/8 HP 1H Short Spear 60% 1D6+1+1D6 SR 5 10/10 HP Ranged Attacks: Self Bow 65% 1D6+1 SR 2 5/5 HP Rng 80 Thrown Axe 40% 1D6+1D3 SR 2 6/6 HP Rng 20 Hit Locations: (19-20) - Head Armor: 5 6/6 HP (16-18) - L Arm Armor: 6 5/5 HP (13-15) - R Arm Armor: 6 5/5 HP (12) - Chest Armor: 5 7/7 HP (9-11) - Abdomen Armor: 3 6/6 HP (5-8) - L Leg Armor: 6 6/6 HP (1-4) - R Leg Armor: 6 6/6 HP
** Nazhuret Talvalin ** Runes: Movement Man Air Homeland: Esrolia, Occupation: Heavy Cavalry, Initiate of Cult: Orlanth Adventurous STR: 19, CON: 16, SIZ: 15, DEX: 14, INT: 17, POW: 12, CHA: 16, Derived Stats: Damage Bonus: +1D6, Hit Points: 17, Magic Points: 12, Movement- Ground: 8, Ground: 8, Ground: 8, Ground: 8, HP: -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Passions: Loyalty (Tribe) 60%, Loyalty (Esrolia) 60%, Loyalty (Holy Country) 70%, Honor 70%, Reputation 30%, Love (Family) 100%, Loyalty (Clan) 100%, Loyalty (City) 60%, Devotion (Orlanth) 70%, Cults: Orlanth Adventurous - Initiate - Rune Points: 3 Runes: Water 50%, Air 70%, Earth 50%, Truth 50%, Harmony 50%, Movement 75%, Fertility 50%, Man 75%, Stasis 25%, Disorder 50%, Beast 25%, Death 50%, Illusion 50%, Skills: Battle Axe 80%, Battle 80%, Scan 70%, Rapier 65%, Self Bow 65%, Dodge 63%, Speak (Esrolian) 60%, 1H Spear 60%, Small Shield 60%, Search 60%, Axe, Throwing 55%, Speak (Tradetalk) 55%, Listen 55%, Jump 52% Spirit Magic: Heal (2pts), Mobility (0pts), Protection (2pts) Rune Spells: Shield (1pts), Dark Walk (1pts), Lightning (1pts) Attacks: 1H Battle Axe 80% 1D8+2+1D6 SR 6 8/8 HP 1H Short Spear 60% 1D6+1+1D6 SR 5 10/10 HP Small Shield 60% 1D3+1D6 SR 6 8/8 HP Self Bow 65% 1D6+1 SR 2 5/5 HP Rng 80 Thrown Axe 40% 1D6+1D3 SR 2 6/6 HP Rng 20 Hit Locations: (19-20) - Head Armor: 5 6/6 HP (16-18) - L Arm Armor: 6 5/5 HP (13-15) - R Arm Armor: 6 5/5 HP (12) - Chest Armor: 5 7/7 HP (9-11) - Abdomen Armor: 3 6/6 HP (5-8) - L Leg Armor: 6 6/6 HP (1-4) - R Leg Armor: 6 6/6 HP