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Tamiira Trolltempter
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--- Tamiira Trolltempter --- Runes: Darkness Harmony Movement Type: Player Character Homeland: Esrolia Occupation: Merchant Initiate of Cult: Argan Argar Standard of Living: Free Income: 500 L Ransom: 500 L Description: Tamiira's parents were priests of Argan Argar. Barter is a way of life, and daughters are just another commodity, right? Her mother would always over feed her in an effort to plump her up. Her intent was cross species marriage within the faith to increase her own status... Anyway, so Tamiira is all set to marry a troll. Some Trolls? They aren't too happy about this. Trolls have their own problems, right? The Trollkin Curse. They want purebred Mistress Race Trolls. This is just going to go badly wrong. Tamiira sees how badly Trollkin babies are treated. Seriously, who'd want that for their kids? And half trolls - Tusk Riders - are treated even worse. And the clan Tamiira marries into? They have just given birth to a Mistress race daughter. Not all Trolls are happy with this turn of events. And on her wedding night, a Zorak Zoran war party descends on the feast and massacres Tamiira's entire family. Wow. Harsh. Brutal. What can I say? Every culture has xenophobic extremists. Tamiira escapes. But she doesn't escape alone. Yes. She is carrying that mistress race troll baby like its her own daughter. And fleeing assassins and Troll war parties. Who knows who survived the massacre or not! But we know her husband to be did not. Poor Tormalog. What can I say? One part Game of Thrones, one part Mandalorean. Stats: Strength: 12 (60%) Constitution: 13 (65%) Size: 14 (70%) Dexterity: 15 (75%) Intelligence: 13 (65%) Power: 15 (75%) Charisma: 21 (105%) Derived Stats: Magic Points: 15 Spirit Damage: 1D6+3 DEX Strike Rank: 2 SIZ Strike Rank: 2 Damage Bonus: +1D4 Hit Points: 14 Healing Rate: 3 Movement: Ground: 8 Passions & Reputations: Devotion (Argan Argar) 60% Reputation 10% Love (Family) 60% Loyalty (City) 60% Loyalty (Clan) 70% **Cults: Argan Argar - Initiate - Rune Points: 3 Elemental Runes: Moon 50% Earth 30% Darkness 80% Power Runes: Illusion 50% Death 40% Harmony 80% Beast 50% Movement 80% Truth 50% Stasis 20% Disorder 20% Fertility 60% Man 50% Condition Runes: Skills: **Agility (+5%)** Boat 10% Climb 45% Dodge 35% Drive (Chariot) 10% Jump 50% Ride (Horse) 10% Ride (Beetle) 20% Swim 20% **Communication (+15%)** Act 20% Art 20% Bargain 65% Charm 30% Dance 45% Disguise 20% Fast Talk 20% Intimidate 30% Intrigue 25% Orate 25% Sing 40% Speak (Darktongue) 60% Speak (Esrolian) 65% Speak (Tradetalk) 65% **Knowledge (+5%)** Animal Lore 10% Battle 15% Celestial Lore 10% Cult Lore (Argan Argar) 20% Customs (Esrolian) 30% Customs (Troll) 15% Elder Race Lore (Elves) 10% Evaluate 55% Farm 40% First Aid 20% Game 20% Herd 10% Homeland Lore (Local) 35% Manage Household 45% Mineral Lore 10% Peaceful Cut 15% Plant Lore 10% Read/Write (Darktongue) 60% Survival 20% Treat Disease 10% Treat Poison 10% **Magic (+15%)** Meditate 20% Prepare Corpse 25% Spirit Combat 50% Worship (Argan Argar) 35% **Manipulation (+10%)** Conceal 15% Craft (Arms) 20% Devise 15% Play Instrument 15% Sleight 20% **Perception (+5%)** Insight (Species) 25% Insight (Human) 35% Listen 55% Scan 30% Search 30% Track 10% **Stealth (+5%)** Hide 15% Move Quietly 40% **Melee (+10%)** 1H Axe 20% 1H Hammer 20% 1H Mace 25% 1H Spear 60% 2H Axe 15% 2H Hammer 15% 2H Mace 20% 2H Spear 25% Battle Axe 35% Broadsword 20% Dagger 25% Fist 35% Grapple 35% Greatsword 15% Kick 25% Kopis 20% Lance 15% Pike 25% Quarterstaff 25% Rapier 25% Shortsword 20% Whip 15% **Ranged (+10%)** Arbalest 20% Axe, Throwing 20% Composite Bow 15% Crossbows 35% Dagger, Throwing 15% Elf Bow 15% Javelin 20% Pole Lasso 15% Rock 25% Self Bow 25% Sling 40% Staff Sling 20% Throwing Dagger 20% Thrown Axe 30% **Shield (+10%)** Large Shield 35% Medium Shield 40% Small Shield 40% Spirit Magic: Slow (0pts) Glamour (0pts) Darkwall (0pts) Protection (0pts) Heal (0pts) Rune Spells: Dark Walk (1pts) Create Shadow (1pts) Dismiss Darkness Elemental (1pts) Melee Attacks: Medium Shield 40% 1D4+1D4 SR 7 12/12 HP 1H Short Spear 60% 1D6+1+1D4 SR 6 10/10 HP Ranged Attacks: Sling 40% 1D8 SR 2 80/80 HP Rng 80 Hit Locations: (19-20) - Head Armor: 1 5/5 HP (16-18) - L Arm Armor: 1 4/4 HP (13-15) - R Arm Armor: 1 4/4 HP (12) - Chest Armor: 3 6/6 HP (9-11) - Abdomen Armor: 3 5/5 HP (5-8) - L Leg Armor: 1 5/5 HP (1-4) - R Leg Armor: 1 5/5 HP Equipment: Writing implements & materials Fine clothes worth 40 L Cultural weapons 500 L in goods 150 L in coins Small statuette of trade god Broad-rimmed leather hat (1 pt) Leather greaves (1 pt) leather vambraces (1 pt) Linothorax (3 pts) Staff
** Tamiira Trolltempter ** Runes: Darkness Harmony Movement Homeland: Esrolia, Occupation: Merchant, Initiate of Cult: Argan Argar STR: 12, CON: 13, SIZ: 14, DEX: 15, INT: 13, POW: 15, CHA: 21, Derived Stats: Damage Bonus: +1D4, Hit Points: 14, Magic Points: 15, Movement- Ground: 8, HP: -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Passions: Reputation 10%, Love (Family) 60%, Loyalty (City) 60%, Loyalty (Clan) 70%, Devotion (Argan Argar) 60%, Cults: Argan Argar - Initiate - Rune Points: 3 Runes: Moon 50%, Earth 30%, Darkness 80%, Beast 50%, Harmony 80%, Movement 80%, Disorder 20%, Fertility 60%, Man 50%, Truth 50%, Stasis 20%, Illusion 50%, Death 40%, Skills: Bargain 65%, Speak (Esrolian) 65%, Speak (Tradetalk) 65%, Read/Write (Darktongue) 60%, Speak (Darktongue) 60%, 1H Spear 60%, Listen 55%, Evaluate 55%, Jump 50%, Spirit Combat 50%, Climb 45%, Manage Household 45%, Dance 45%, Medium Shield 40% Spirit Magic: Darkwall (0pts), Protection (0pts), Heal (0pts), Slow (0pts), Glamour (0pts) Rune Spells: Dark Walk (1pts), Create Shadow (1pts), Dismiss Darkness Elemental (1pts) Attacks: Medium Shield 40% 1D4+1D4 SR 7 12/12 HP 1H Short Spear 60% 1D6+1+1D4 SR 6 10/10 HP Sling 40% 1D8 SR 2 80/80 HP Rng 80 Hit Locations: (19-20) - Head Armor: 1 5/5 HP (16-18) - L Arm Armor: 1 4/4 HP (13-15) - R Arm Armor: 1 4/4 HP (12) - Chest Armor: 3 6/6 HP (9-11) - Abdomen Armor: 3 5/5 HP (5-8) - L Leg Armor: 1 5/5 HP (1-4) - R Leg Armor: 1 5/5 HP Equipment: Writing implements & materials, Fine clothes worth 40 L, Cultural weapons, 500 L in goods, 150 L in coins, Small statuette of trade god, Broad-rimmed leather hat (1 pt), Leather greaves (1 pt), leather vambraces (1 pt), Linothorax (3 pts), Staff,