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Tatoukal Blackbeard
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--- Tatoukal Blackbeard --- Runes: Illusion Moon Death Type: Player Character Homeland: Lunar Tarsh Occupation: Scribe Initiate of Cult: Seven Mothers Standard of Living: Free Income: 160 L Ransom: 1000 L Description: Tatoukal grew up in the City of 10,000 Magicians in Aggar. His father apprenticed him to the Irripi Ontor scholars but Tatoukal quickly became bored with illuminating manuscripts and cataloging dusty tomes. He used his father's contacts to join the Entalothosium, the Lunar military intelligence corps, serving notably as a Field Intelligence Officer for a number of units fighting in Dragon Pass and the Holy Country. Stats: Strength: 13 (65%) Constitution: 10 (50%) Size: 11 (55%) Dexterity: 13 (65%) Intelligence: 17 (85%) Power: 13 (65%) Charisma: 17 (85%) Derived Stats: DEX Strike Rank: 2 SIZ Strike Rank: 2 Damage Bonus: 0 Hit Points: 10 Healing Rate: 2 Magic Points: 13 Spirit Damage: 1D6+1 Movement: Ground: 8 Passions & Reputations: Loyalty (Spies) 80% Loyalty (Tribe) 60% Loyalty (Temple) 60% Loyalty (Lunar Empire) 80% Loyalty (Shaker Temple) 60% Reputation 17% Love (Family) 60% Loyalty (Clan) 60% **Cults: Seven Mothers - Initiate - Rune Points: 3 Elemental Runes: Fire/Sky 40% Moon 90% Earth 20% Power Runes: Disorder 50% Man 50% Beast 50% Truth 5% Stasis 50% Harmony 50% Death 85% Illusion 95% Movement 50% Fertility 15% Skills: **Agility (+5%)** Dodge 31% Jump 44% **Communication (+15%)** Bargain 55% Dance 30% Intimidate 55% Intrigue 75% Sing 35% Speak (Heortling) 65% Speak (New Pelorian) 85% Speak (Tarshite) 35% Speak (Tradetalk) 25% **Knowledge (+10%)** Alchemy 20% Bureacracy 75% Celestial Lore 30% Cult Lore (Seven Mothers) 40% Customs (Lunar Provincial) 65% Evaluate 40% Farm 45% Library Use 45% Lore (Military History) 20% Lore (Politics) 30% Read/Write (Heortling) 60% Read/Write (New Pelorian) 75% **Magic (+10%)** Meditate 15% Spirit Combat 45% Worship (Seven Mothers) 30% **Manipulation (+15%)** **Perception (+10%)** Insight (Human) 78% **Stealth (+15%)** **Melee (+15%)** 1H Spear 35% Dagger 40% Kopis 35% **Ranged (+15%)** Composite Bow 30% Javelin 35% **Shield (+15%)** Large Shield 45% Medium Shield 40% Spirit Magic: Countermagic (2pts) Detect Enemies (1pts) Glamour (2pts) Befuddle (2pts) Rune Spells: Reflection (1pts) Madness (2pts) Mindblast (2pts) Melee Attacks: Dagger 40% 1D4+2 SR 8 6/6 HP Ranged Attacks: Composite Bow 30% 1D8+1 SR 2 7/7 HP Rng 100 Hit Locations: (19-20) - Head -5/4 HP (16-18) - L Arm Armor: 2 3/3 HP (13-15) - R Arm Armor: 2 3/3 HP (12) - Chest Armor: 2 5/5 HP (9-11) - Abdomen Armor: 2 4/4 HP (5-8) - L Leg Armor: 2 4/4 HP (1-4) - R Leg Armor: 2 4/4 HP Equipment: History: 200 Lunars Writing implements & materials Three bundles of reports and notes worth 100 L Blank parchments worth 50 L Tin disk carved with calendar Old letter of introduction from senior scribe Bronze dagger 80 L in coin
** Tatoukal Blackbeard ** Runes: Illusion Moon Death Homeland: Lunar Tarsh, Occupation: Scribe, Initiate of Cult: Seven Mothers STR: 13, CON: 10, SIZ: 11, DEX: 13, INT: 17, POW: 13, CHA: 17, Derived Stats: Magic Points: 13, Damage Bonus: 0, Hit Points: 10, Movement- Ground: 8, HP: -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Passions: Reputation 17%, Love (Family) 60%, Loyalty (Clan) 60%, Loyalty (Spies) 80%, Loyalty (Tribe) 60%, Loyalty (Temple) 60%, Loyalty (Lunar Empire) 80%, Loyalty (Shaker Temple) 60%, Cults: Seven Mothers - Initiate - Rune Points: 3 Runes: Moon 90%, Earth 20%, Fire/Sky 40%, Death 85%, Illusion 95%, Movement 50%, Fertility 15%, Disorder 50%, Man 50%, Beast 50%, Truth 5%, Stasis 50%, Harmony 50%, Skills: Speak (New Pelorian) 85%, Insight (Human) 78%, Intrigue 75%, Read/Write (New Pelorian) 75%, Bureacracy 75%, Customs (Lunar Provincial) 65%, Speak (Heortling) 65%, Read/Write (Heortling) 60%, Intimidate 55%, Bargain 55%, Farm 45%, Spirit Combat 45%, Library Use 45%, Large Shield 45% Spirit Magic: Glamour (2pts), Befuddle (2pts), Countermagic (2pts), Detect Enemies (1pts) Rune Spells: Reflection (1pts), Madness (2pts), Mindblast (2pts) Attacks: Dagger 40% 1D4+2 SR 8 6/6 HP Composite Bow 30% 1D8+1 SR 2 7/7 HP Rng 100 Hit Locations: (19-20) - Head -5/4 HP (16-18) - L Arm Armor: 2 3/3 HP (13-15) - R Arm Armor: 2 3/3 HP (12) - Chest Armor: 2 5/5 HP (9-11) - Abdomen Armor: 2 4/4 HP (5-8) - L Leg Armor: 2 4/4 HP (1-4) - R Leg Armor: 2 4/4 HP Equipment: History: 200 Lunars, Writing implements & materials, Three bundles of reports and notes worth 100 L, Blank parchments worth 50 L, Tin disk carved with calendar, Old letter of introduction from senior scribe, Bronze dagger, 80 L in coin,