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Jomes Hostralos
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--- Jomes Hostralos --- Runes: Death Moon Movement Type: Player Character Homeland: Lunar Tarsh Occupation: Noble Initiate of Cult: Seven Mothers Standard of Living: Noble Income: 200 L Ransom: 1000 L Description: A Field Commander in the Imperial Lunar Army. Also known as Jomes Hostralos. Originally from Aggar He fought in the Battle of Boldhome and lead a daring raid into the East Pocket He defeated the Telmori in 1608 ST He killed the beast brother of King Kostajor He caught the Helkos brothers and executed one of them. He is called "Wulf" after it. He worships Polaris, Orogeria and the Seven Mothers He now rules Wulfsland from the Black Oak Throne. He is known for the Jomes Dash Stats: Strength: 15 (75%) Constitution: 17 (85%) Size: 15 (75%) Dexterity: 13 (65%) Intelligence: 15 (75%) Power: 16 (80%) Charisma: 16 (80%) Derived Stats: Healing Rate: 3 Magic Points: 16 Spirit Damage: 1D6+1 DEX Strike Rank: 2 SIZ Strike Rank: 1 Damage Bonus: +1D4 Hit Points: 18 Movement: Ground: 8 Passions & Reputations: Honor 80% Loyalty (Lunar Empire) 60% Reputation 23% Love (Family) 60% Loyalty (Clan) 60% Loyalty (Unit) 60% Loyalty (Leader) 60% Loyalty (Temple) 70% Loyalty (Shaker Temple) 80% **Cults: Seven Mothers - Initiate - Rune Points: 8 Elemental Runes: Earth 20% Fire/Sky 40% Moon 90% Power Runes: Man 50% Stasis 15% Harmony 50% Illusion 50% Fertility 5% Beast 50% Death 95% Truth 50% Disorder 50% Movement 85% Skills: **Agility (+5%)** Dodge 80% Jump 44% Ride (Horse) 45% **Communication (+5%)** Dance 35% Intrigue 43% Orate 80% Sing 35% Speak (Heortling) 40% Speak (New Pelorian) 90% Speak (Tarshite) 40% Speak (Tradetalk) 25% **Knowledge (+5%)** Battle 75% Celestial Lore 15% Cult Lore (Seven Mothers) 45% Customs (Heortling) 35% Customs (Lunar Provincial) 45% Farm 40% Manage Household 45% Read/Write (New Pelorian) 30% **Magic (+5%)** Meditate 23% Spirit Combat 55% Worship (Seven Mothers) 55% **Manipulation (+10%)** **Perception (+5%)** Insight (Human) 66% **Stealth (+5%)** **Melee (+10%)** 1H Spear 30% Dagger 50% Kopis 115% **Ranged (+10%)** Composite Bow 25% Javelin 70% **Shield (+10%)** Large Shield 85% Medium Shield 35% Spirit Magic: Mobility (1pts) Strength (2pts) Bladesharp (4pts) Demoralize (2pts) Protection (2pts) Coordination (2pts) Glamour (2pts) Rune Spells: Mindblast (2pts) Teleportation (3pts) Summon Elemental (Lunar Spirit) (1pts) Leap (1pts) Madness (2pts) Melee Attacks: Kopis 115% 1D8+1+1D4 SR 5 12/12 HP Large Shield 85% 1D6+1D4 SR 6 16/16 HP Ranged Attacks: Thrown Javelin 70% 1D10+1D2 SR 2 8/8 HP Rng 20 Hit Locations: (19-20) - Head Armor: 5 6/6 HP (16-18) - L Arm Armor: 6 5/5 HP (13-15) - R Arm Armor: 6 5/5 HP (12) - Chest Armor: 6 7/7 HP (9-11) - Abdomen Armor: 6 6/6 HP (5-8) - L Leg Armor: 6 6/6 HP (1-4) - R Leg Armor: 6 6/6 HP Equipment: History: 300 Lunars Bronze cuirass (6pts) Bronze greaves (6pts) Closed helmet (5pts) cultural weapons two riding animals noble clothing (60L) 200 L in coing 450 L in jewelry, vessels and luxury goods
** Jomes Hostralos ** Runes: Death Moon Movement Homeland: Lunar Tarsh, Occupation: Noble, Initiate of Cult: Seven Mothers STR: 15, CON: 17, SIZ: 15, DEX: 13, INT: 15, POW: 16, CHA: 16, Derived Stats: Damage Bonus: +1D4, Hit Points: 18, Magic Points: 16, Movement- Ground: 8, HP: -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Passions: Honor 80%, Loyalty (Lunar Empire) 60%, Loyalty (Shaker Temple) 80%, Reputation 23%, Love (Family) 60%, Loyalty (Clan) 60%, Loyalty (Unit) 60%, Loyalty (Leader) 60%, Loyalty (Temple) 70%, Cults: Seven Mothers - Initiate - Rune Points: 8 Runes: Moon 90%, Earth 20%, Fire/Sky 40%, Beast 50%, Death 95%, Truth 50%, Disorder 50%, Movement 85%, Man 50%, Stasis 15%, Harmony 50%, Illusion 50%, Fertility 5%, Skills: Kopis 115%, Speak (New Pelorian) 90%, Large Shield 85%, Dodge 80%, Orate 80%, Battle 75%, Javelin 70%, Insight (Human) 66%, Spirit Combat 55%, Worship (Seven Mothers) 55%, Dagger 50%, Customs (Lunar Provincial) 45%, Cult Lore (Seven Mothers) 45%, Manage Household 45% Spirit Magic: Strength (2pts), Bladesharp (4pts), Demoralize (2pts), Protection (2pts), Coordination (2pts), Glamour (2pts), Mobility (1pts) Rune Spells: Leap (1pts), Madness (2pts), Mindblast (2pts), Teleportation (3pts), Summon Elemental (Lunar Spirit) (1pts) Attacks: Large Shield 85% 1D6+1D4 SR 6 16/16 HP Kopis 115% 1D8+1+1D4 SR 5 12/12 HP Thrown Javelin 70% 1D10+1D2 SR 2 8/8 HP Rng 20 Hit Locations: (19-20) - Head Armor: 5 6/6 HP (16-18) - L Arm Armor: 6 5/5 HP (13-15) - R Arm Armor: 6 5/5 HP (12) - Chest Armor: 6 7/7 HP (9-11) - Abdomen Armor: 6 6/6 HP (5-8) - L Leg Armor: 6 6/6 HP (1-4) - R Leg Armor: 6 6/6 HP Equipment: History: 300 Lunars, Bronze cuirass (6pts), Bronze greaves (6pts), Closed helmet (5pts), cultural weapons, two riding animals, noble clothing (60L), 200 L in coing, 450 L in jewelry, vessels and luxury goods,