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--- Horse --- Runes: Movement Type: Animal Description: Dragon Pass is home to some of the finest horse breeders in Glorantha, the Grazeland Pony Breeders. For other peoples, horses are valuable and an indicator of wealth. Horses with the size, stamina and skill of a trained warhorse are few and far between. They are also quite expensive. Stats: Strength: 26 (130%) Constitution: 13 (65%) Size: 26 (130%) Dexterity: 11 (55%) Intelligence: 6 (30%) Power: 11 (55%) Charisma: 10 (50%) Derived Stats: Healing Rate: 3 Magic Points: 11 Spirit Damage: 1D6 DEX Strike Rank: 3 SIZ Strike Rank: 0 Damage Bonus: +2D6 Hit Points: 18 Movement: Ground: 8 Passions & Reputations: Reputation 5% Elemental Runes: Power Runes: Fertility 50% Beast 50% Stasis 50% Harmony 50% Movement 90% Truth 50% Illusion 50% Death 50% Man 50% Disorder 50% Condition Runes: Skills: Bite 35% Dodge 25% Trample 35% Listen 35% Rear & Plunge 35% Kick 35% Scan 25% Swim 50% Climb 30% Jumpt 75% Powers: Fast: Move of 12 Melee Attacks: Bite 35% 1d8+2D6 SR 7 0/0 HP Kick 35% 1d6+2D6 SR 7 0/0 HP Trample 35% 2d6+2D6 SR 7 0/0 HP Rear & Plunge 35% 2d6+2D6 SR 7 0/0 HP Hit Locations: (17-20) - Head Armor: 1 6/6 HP (14-16) - R Foreleg Armor: 1 6/6 HP (11-13) - L Foreleg Armor: 1 6/6 HP (8-10) - Forequarters Armor: 1 7/7 HP (5-7) - Hindquarters Armor: 1 7/7 HP (3-4) - L Hind Leg Armor: 1 6/6 HP (1-2) - R Hind Leg Armor: 1 6/6 HP
** Horse ** Runes: Movement STR: 26, CON: 13, SIZ: 26, DEX: 11, INT: 6, POW: 11, CHA: 10, Derived Stats: Hit Points: 18, Magic Points: 11, Damage Bonus: +2D6, Movement- Ground: 8, HP: -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Passions: Reputation 5%, Runes: Death 50%, Man 50%, Disorder 50%, Harmony 50%, Movement 90%, Fertility 50%, Beast 50%, Stasis 50%, Truth 50%, Illusion 50%, Skills: Jumpt 75%, Swim 50%, Kick 35%, Listen 35%, Rear & Plunge 35%, Bite 35%, Trample 35%, Climb 30%, Scan 25%, Dodge 25% Powers: Fast: Move of 12 Attacks: Kick 35% 1d6+2D6 SR 7 0/0 HP Trample 35% 2d6+2D6 SR 7 0/0 HP Rear & Plunge 35% 2d6+2D6 SR 7 0/0 HP Bite 35% 1d8+2D6 SR 7 0/0 HP Hit Locations: (17-20) - Head Armor: 1 6/6 HP (14-16) - R Foreleg Armor: 1 6/6 HP (11-13) - L Foreleg Armor: 1 6/6 HP (8-10) - Forequarters Armor: 1 7/7 HP (5-7) - Hindquarters Armor: 1 7/7 HP (3-4) - L Hind Leg Armor: 1 6/6 HP (1-2) - R Hind Leg Armor: 1 6/6 HP