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Telmori Wolf-Brother
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--- Telmori Wolf-Brother --- Runes: Beast Type: Non-Player Character Description: Known also as the Telmori, they are Gloranthan werewolves, and are commonly found with their wolf companions. Wolfbrothers are tainted by Chaos. Each Wildday, which happens to be the night of the Full Moon in Dragon Pass, each Telmori must change to their beast form and roam the countryside. Many Telmori possess Rune magic that allows them to assume wolf form on other occasions. Stats: Strength: 22 (110%) Constitution: 13 (65%) Size: 13 (65%) Dexterity: 13 (65%) Intelligence: 13 (65%) Power: 11 (55%) Charisma: 10 (50%) Derived Stats: Damage Bonus: +1D6 Hit Points: 14 Healing Rate: 3 Magic Points: 11 Spirit Damage: 1D6 DEX Strike Rank: 2 SIZ Strike Rank: 2 Movement: Ground: 8 Passions & Reputations: Loyalty (Pack) 60% Love (Wolf-brother) 60% Reputation 5% **Cults: Orlanth - Initiate - Rune Points: 3 Elemental Runes: Power Runes: Man 50% Beast 75% Stasis 50% Harmony 50% Disorder 50% Movement 50% Fertility 50% Chaos 20% Truth 50% Illusion 50% Death 50% Condition Runes: Skills: Dodge 90% Track 90% Short Spear 75% Move Quietly 80% Medium Shield 75% Bite 80% Search 70% Spirit Combat 40% Javelin w/ Atlatl 80% Scan 70% Spirit Magic: Dullblade (2pts) Heal (2pts) Ironhand (2pts) Rune Spells: Wolfhide (3pts) Wolf's Head (1pts) Wolfrunning (2pts) Transform Self (2pts) Powers: Immune to normal weapons: Can only be harmed by iron, silver or magic. Melee Attacks: Bite 80% 1d8+1+1D6 SR 6 0/0 HP Short Spear 75% 1d6+1+1D6 SR 6 10/10 HP Medium Shield 75% 1d4+1D6 SR 6 12/12 HP Javelin w/ Atlatl 80% 2d6+1+1D6 SR 7 8/8 HP Hit Locations: (17-20) - Head Armor: 1 5/5 HP (14-16) - R Foreleg Armor: 1 5/5 HP (11-13) - L Foreleg Armor: 1 5/5 HP (8-10) - Forequarters Armor: 1 6/6 HP (5-7) - Hindquarters Armor: 1 6/6 HP (3-4) - L Hind Leg Armor: 1 5/5 HP (1-2) - R Hind Leg Armor: 1 5/5 HP Equipment: Stuff
** Telmori Wolf-Brother ** Runes: Beast STR: 22, CON: 13, SIZ: 13, DEX: 13, INT: 13, POW: 11, CHA: 10, Derived Stats: Magic Points: 11, Damage Bonus: +1D6, Hit Points: 14, Movement- Ground: 8, HP: -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Passions: Reputation 5%, Loyalty (Pack) 60%, Love (Wolf-brother) 60%, Cults: Orlanth - Initiate - Rune Points: 3 Runes: Death 50%, Man 50%, Beast 75%, Stasis 50%, Harmony 50%, Disorder 50%, Movement 50%, Fertility 50%, Chaos 20%, Truth 50%, Illusion 50%, Skills: Track 90%, Dodge 90%, Move Quietly 80%, Bite 80%, Javelin w/ Atlatl 80%, Short Spear 75%, Medium Shield 75%, Scan 70%, Search 70%, Spirit Combat 40% Spirit Magic: Heal (2pts), Ironhand (2pts), Dullblade (2pts) Rune Spells: Wolfhide (3pts), Wolf's Head (1pts), Wolfrunning (2pts), Transform Self (2pts) Powers: Immune to normal weapons: Can only be harmed by iron, silver or magic. Attacks: Bite 80% 1d8+1+1D6 SR 6 0/0 HP Short Spear 75% 1d6+1+1D6 SR 6 10/10 HP Medium Shield 75% 1d4+1D6 SR 6 12/12 HP Javelin w/ Atlatl 80% 2d6+1+1D6 SR 7 8/8 HP Hit Locations: (17-20) - Head Armor: 1 5/5 HP (14-16) - R Foreleg Armor: 1 5/5 HP (11-13) - L Foreleg Armor: 1 5/5 HP (8-10) - Forequarters Armor: 1 6/6 HP (5-7) - Hindquarters Armor: 1 6/6 HP (3-4) - L Hind Leg Armor: 1 5/5 HP (1-2) - R Hind Leg Armor: 1 5/5 HP Equipment: Stuff,