The Cradle of Heroes
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--- FNG --- Type: Player Character Homeland: Sartar Occupation: Heavy Cavalry of Cult: Orlanth Adventurous Standard of Living: Income: 60 L Ransom: 0 L Description: Stats: Strength: 17 (85%) Constitution: 13 (65%) Size: 12 (60%) Dexterity: 6 (30%) Intelligence: 10 (50%) Power: 9 (45%) Charisma: 9 (45%) Derived Stats: Damage Bonus: +1D4 Hit Points: 13 Healing Rate: 3 Magic Points: 9 Spirit Damage: 1D6 DEX Strike Rank: 4 SIZ Strike Rank: 2 Movement: Ground: 8 Passions & Reputations: Reputation 5% **Cults: Orlanth Adventurous - - Rune Points: 0 Elemental Runes: Power Runes: Man 50% Truth 50% Stasis 50% Harmony 50% Illusion 50% Fertility 50% Beast 50% Death 50% Disorder 50% Movement 50% Hit Locations: (19-20) - Head 0/5 HP (16-18) - L Arm 0/4 HP (13-15) - R Arm 0/4 HP (12) - Chest 0/6 HP (9-11) - Abdomen 0/5 HP (5-8) - L Leg 0/5 HP (1-4) - R Leg 0/5 HP
** FNG ** Homeland: Sartar, Occupation: Heavy Cavalry, of Cult: Orlanth Adventurous STR: 17, CON: 13, SIZ: 12, DEX: 6, INT: 10, POW: 9, CHA: 9, Derived Stats: Damage Bonus: +1D4, Hit Points: 13, Magic Points: 9, Movement- Ground: 8, HP: -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Passions: Reputation 5%, Cults: Orlanth Adventurous - - Rune Points: 0 Runes: Disorder 50%, Movement 50%, Beast 50%, Death 50%, Stasis 50%, Harmony 50%, Illusion 50%, Fertility 50%, Man 50%, Truth 50%, Hit Locations: (19-20) - Head 0/5 HP (16-18) - L Arm 0/4 HP (13-15) - R Arm 0/4 HP (12) - Chest 0/6 HP (9-11) - Abdomen 0/5 HP (5-8) - L Leg 0/5 HP (1-4) - R Leg 0/5 HP